

force that resists sliding motion between surfaces that are touching

1st Law of Motion

states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless it is acted upon by an outside force

2nd Law of Motion

an object acted on by an unbalanced force will accelerate in the direction of that force

3rd Law of Motion

for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction

static friction

friction that acts between objects that are not moving

sliding friction

friction that occurs when one solid surface slides over another

rolling friction

friction that occurs when objects are rolling over a surface


attractive forces between objects, the force that moves objects downhill


measure of the force of gravity acting on an object multiplied by its mass


force extended on an object that causes it to move


tendency of an object to resist a change in motion


rate at which speed changes in a given direction


objects speeds up, slows down or changes direction


push or pull exerted on an object

balanced forces

forces that are equal but opposite in direction- when acting on each other they cancel out and no change occurs to the object in motion

unbalanced forces

unequal forces that do not cancel when acting on an object and cause a change


the distance an object travels per unit of time