Functional Anatomy Test 1

Identify the five kinematic variables that describe motion of a segment. (1 word for each in order from slides)


arthrokinematics refers to the movement of ______________ ____________. (dictionary, not from slides)

joint surfaces

osteokinematics - concerned with the description of _________ movement


Translatory motion's alternate name?

Linear Displacement

Definition of Translatory Motion is...

movement of a segment in a straight line when force is applied to the center of the object.

Give an alternate name for Rotary Motion

Angular displacement

Define the term rotary motion..

Movement of segment around a fixed axis in a curved path.

Perfect rotary motion does not really occur in joints because.....

Translation is difficult to prevent

The term Rotatory Motion is used to describe motion. (T/F)


Translatory Motion is a common movement in the body. (T/F)


Curvilinear motion is the combination of _____________ and ____________ of a segment.

translation and rotation

The ___________ axis runs "front to back


The ___________ axis runs "up and down


The ___________ axis runs "side to side


The cardinal sagittal plane cuts the body in _________ ___ ___________ parts.

Right and Left

Rotation of a segment around the vertical axis occurs in the _________ ___________

sagittal plane

Rotation of a segment around the frontal axis occurs in the _________ ___________

transverse plane

Rotation of a segment around the saggital axis occurs in the _________ ___________

frontal plane

When describing movement based on Axis and Planes, the plane and axis are ____________________ to each other when visualizing the concept.


When discussing motion, you must always specify which JOINT is being moved, not the segment. (T/F)


State which plane moves around which axis when discussing Flexion/Extension

Sagittal plane around frontal axis