Forces & Motion


Rate of change in speed and/or velocity.


Rubbing force that acts against motion between two touching surfaces.


Measures an object's tendency to remain at rest or in constant motion unless acted upon by an outside force


Change in an object's position, using starting point, ending point, reference point


Product of mass and velocity. (quantity of motion) p=mv (momentum is conserved during a non -elastic collision)


Is a reference to movement of an object


Rate of change of an object's position.


Rate of change of displacement (speed and direction).

Balanced Forces

Forces in all directions are equal - causes no change in motion

Unbalanced Forces

Forces are not balanced - causes motion


a unit of measurement of force

Frame of Reference

the viewpoint or perspective that is used to judge motion

Reference point

the point that is used to determine motion of an object

Net Force

the overall force that is the result of two or more forces interacting on an object


used to represent any quantity that has both a number and direction, such as velocity, the magnitude of which is speed. Uses a line with arrow - the longer the line the larger the vector force (magnitude)


a push or pull acting on an object; transfers energy to an object


the shortest, straight line between where an object begins its motion and the place where it comes to rest


the total path an object takes as it moves from one location to another


force of attraction between objects; depends on the mass and the distance between them; responsible for accelerating objects towards Earth

Kinetic energy

the energy of motion KE = 1/2mv2 (squared)

Potential energy

the energy of position; an object is not moving, but has the capacity to move GPE = m x h x g where g = 9.8 m/s2(squared)


only include a quantity (number/magnitude) no direction.