Amend (W)

What is the purpose of the subsidiary motion to amend?

To modify the wording of a pending motion before the pending motion is acted upon

Does the adoption of the subsidiary motion to amend adopt the motion amended?


Who "makes" an amendment?

Only the assembly

Is the subsidiary motion to amend out of order when another member has the floor?


Is the subsidiary motion to amend always debatable? Explain. Can debate go into the merits of the question it is applied to?

No. It is debatable whenever the motion to which it is applied to is debatable. No

Name one Subsidiary motion that the subsidiary motion to amend takes precedence over

Postpone indefinitely

Name 3 subsidiary motions that the subsidiary motion to amend yields to when applied to a main motion

Lay on the Table
Previous Question
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate
Postpone to a Certain Time

Name 3 privileged motions that the subsidiary motion to amend yields to

Fix the time to which to Adjourn
Raise a Question of Privilege
Call for the orders of the Day

Can the subsidiary motion to amend be applied to itself? What is the name of the resulting amendment? Can a secondary amendment be amended?

Secondary Amendment

Name two privileged motions that can be amended?

Fix the time to which to adjourn

Can the subsidiary motion to amend be applied to the motion Postpone Indefinitely?


Name 2 undebatable, privileged motions that the subsidiary motion to amend can be applied to

Fix the time to which to adjourn

Name one undebatable, subsidiary motion that the subsidiary motion to amend can be applied to

Limit or extend limits of debate

Name 3 privileged motions that cannot be amended

Raise a question of privilege
Call for the orders of the day

1. An amendment must be germane to be in order. What does this mean?
2. If a presiding officer cannot determine the germaneness of an amendment, what should they do?

1. An amendment must in some way involve the same question that is raised by the motion to which it is applied to.
2. Refer to decision of the assembly

If a presiding officer cannot determine the germaneness of an amendment, what should they do?

Refer to division of the assembly

What is the difference between a primary and secondary amendment?

Primary is applied to a main question. Secondary is applied to an amendment.

Name 3 types of amendments that are not in order

Is not germane to the question to be amended
Makes the adoption of the amendment the same as a rejection of the motion to be amended
Makes the amended motion the same as or a rejection of a previously adopted motion
Proposes to change an amendment form to

Name 3 processes of amendment

Strike out

What are the two degrees of amendment preferably called?

Primary amendment and Secondary amendment

What is an amendment to the first degree?

An amendment to the main question

What is the difference between a secondary amendment and a secondary motion?

A secondary amendment is an amendment to an amendment. A secondary motion is any subsidiary, incidental, and privileged motion.

What is an amendment to the second degree?

An amendment to the amendment

Assume you are a chairman at a meeting and a member concludes their debate on a Main Motion by making an amendment and it is seconded by another member. What action would you take? Explain

The chair would open the amendment to debate. It would be handled under the same rules as any amendment. A member may debate a Main Motion and conclude by offering a secondary motion

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised lists 8 standard descriptive characteristics or rules for every motion. Explain all the rules for a third degree amendment.

A third degree amendment is not permitted, so it does not have rules.

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised notes that main motions and motions that have a variable factor can be amended. Name 3 privileged or subsidiary motions that have a variable factor and can be amended.

Postpone to a Certain Time
Fix the time to which to adjourn
Limit or Extend Limits to Debate
Commit or Refer

What is a "friendly amendment"? How is it handled when applied to a Main Motion?

An amendment that is made to improve a Main Motion and the chances of its adoption to the satisfaction of its maker. It is handled under the same rules as a regular amendment. It must be seconded, opened for debate and voted on formally. It is offered bef

Assume you are the chairman at a meeting and a member moves to amend a secondary amendment. What ruling would you make? Explain

Rule the amendment out of order because you cannot amend a secondary amendment