12.1 Newton's First and Second Laws

Newton's First Law

An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion will maintain it's velocity unless it experiences a net force.

Objects change their state of motion when a _____ is applied.

Objects change their state of motion when a __force__ is applied

Inertia is related to an object's ____.

Inertia is related to an object's _mass_.

What is inertia and do all objects have it?

The tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest, or an object in motion will remain at a constant velocity, and all objects have inertia.

Newton's first law is sometimes called the ______________.

Law of Inertia

Newton's second law describes the effect of _________________ force on the motion of an object.

Newton's second law describes the effect of an unbalanced/net force on the motion of an object.

Newton's second law

When the net force is not zero, it describes the effect of an unbalanced force on the motion of an object.

What equation represents second law?

Net Force= Mass�Acceleration

Unit to measure force
