Conduct of Chapter Meetings - JDMS

What motion can be used to prevent an amendment to a Main Motion?

Previous Question

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised lists 3 steps on how a motion is brought before the assembly. What statement is one of the steps for a Main Motion?

Another member seconds the motion

The motion to ______ is classified as a subsidiary motion and is amendable

Commit or Refer

If a motion to recess is made when another motion is pending, it is classified as a;

Privileged Motion

Which motion takes precedence only over a Main Motion?

Postpone Indefinitely

Which motion below would you use to call to the chair's attention a noise disturbance?

Question of Privilege

MEMBER: "I move the Previous Question"
ANOTHER MEMBER:" I second it "
What effect does the motion illustrated in the script above have on a pending motion?

It stops debate on the pending motion

How many times may a member debate the motion Postpone Indefinitely at a meeting?

2 times

Which one of the following statements is true regarding the motion, Raise a Question of Privilege?

It may not be amended

If the phrase "putting the question" is used during the time an amendment is pending this means that the amendment

will be voted on

How long may a member speak on an amendment to the motion Postpone Indefinitely each time he/she debates?
A. 2 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. None of the Above

D. None of the Above

A motion that is related to the pending business and must be decided immediately is...

Parliamentary Inquiry

If the chair does not wish to make a ruling on a Point of Order, how is it decided?

The assembly decides by a majority vote

What is the last step that is used to bring the motion Commit or Refer before the assembly?

The chair states the question on the motion

If a member has not used his/her debating time, it may:

not be given to another member

The maker of a motion

may not speak against it

In order to participate in the debate of a motion, the presiding officer must:

relinquish the chair to a vice president

How many classes of motions are there?


What is the Standard Descriptive Characteristic for a Main Motion regarding precedence?

it ranks the lowest

The word majority means

more than half

Committee motions require a second if the committee consists of:

one person

The Official FFA Manual states that new business is taken up immediately after:

unfinished business and general orders

A special committee appointed with power means that the committee:

can act for the society in specific cases

If a chair is in doubt as to which member is entitled to the floor:

the assembly can decide by a vote

What is the purpose of the privileged motion to recess?

to take a short intermission in the assembly's proceedings

What is the purpose of the privileged motion to raise a question of privilege?

Permits a request or main motion relating to the rights and privileges of the assembly or any of its members to be brought up immediately

Name 3 undebatable subsidiary motions that the privilege motion to Recess takes precedence over

1) Lay on the Table
2) Previous Question
3) Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

Can the privileged motion to recess be applied to any other motions?


The purpose of a Point of Order is to:

call attention to a breach of rules

What is NOT a duty of the secretary

Assume all duties of the president if necessary

What is the last item in FFA Order of Business

Entertainment, Recreation, and/or Refreshments

The only motion whose introduction brings business before an assembly

Main Motion

One of the duties of the Reporter is to:

prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook

In the FFA Order of Business, the Closing Ceremonies immediately follows:


A Main Motion:

can be applied to no other motions

If 21 votes are cast a minimum majority vote is


If you wanted to kill a motion, what motion would you make

Postpone Indefinitely

One of the duties of the treasurer is:

receive,record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts

In the FFA order of business, the reading and approval of minutes immediately follows:

opening ceremony

A Division of the Assembly is used to:

demand a standing vote on a motion by a member

A member can change his/her vote on a Main Motion:

up to the time the chair announces the result of the voting

Roberts Rules of Order states that the presiding officer

cannot close debate

Debate for the motion Postpone Definitely

must be limited to the motion to Postpone

A plurality vote is:

the largest number of votes when there are three or more choices

How many Main Motions may be before an assembly at one time?


What is the proper order of business in the FFA Order of Business

Reports of officers,reports of special committees,special orders,unfinished business and general orders

What is the proper order of business in the FFA Order of Business

Reports of officers,reports of special committees,special orders,unfinished business and general orders

Which of the following deal with the order in which business is taken up?
B.order of business
C.orders of the day
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

A motion arising out of a report of an officer, board, or committee is taken up

Immediately after the report is given

For items of business that have been made a special order for a specific time, the chair should

Announce that the time for the special order has arrived and begin processing it

If a topic is discussed in formally at a meeting and a member suggested that it be brought up at the next meeting the chair should announce that the topic be

Introduced as new business

After new business is announced by the chairman members can...
A.imtroduce new items of business
B. Make a motion that failed to be adopted at the last meeting
C. Move to take from the table any tabled motion
D. Any of the above

D. Any of the above

Which of the following is an optional heading for an order of business
B.roll call
C.opening ceremony
D. All of the above

D. All of the above