FFA Parliamentary Procedure 2017 - Uncompleted

Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

Sets the time for a different meeting to begin

Members can change their votes on motions without permission from the assembly:

Until the result of the vote is announced

Which of the following motions is NOT used to delay action on a question

Postpone Indefinitely

Assume a motion has been laid on the table and the assembly meets monthly. The motion to Take from the Table can be made:

Up until the end of the next regularly scheduled meeting

When the Previous Question is moved in the unqualified form, it applies to:

Only the immediate pending motion

The motion to Recess, in its privileged form:

Must be made when other business is pending

Which of the following types of deliberative assemblies best describes a local FFA chapter?

An assembly of an organized society

The motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate:

Can be laid on the table along with the main motion

The legal document that gives the name and object of a society and also other information required by law is the:

Corporate Charter

The member who proposes a debatable motion has the right to speak in debate:


A single member has the power to require a:

Rising vote

Which one of the following motions is NOT an incidental motion?


Which one of the following subsidiary motions is debatable?

Postpone to a Certain Time

The largest number of votes cast for a motion or candidate when three or more choices are possible is called a:

plurality vote

Which of the following motions may be undebatable under certain circumstances?


Orders of the Day are divided into two classes called:

General Orders and Special Orders

Which of the following motions can the Previous Question be applied to?


Motions that seek to obstruct or thwart the will of the assembly are called:

Dilatory motions

Which motion enables a majority of the assembly to bring back for further consideration a motion that has already been voted on?


The motion to Adjourn is always privileged when:

No time for adjournment has been set

Which of the following motions is the lowest ranking privileged motion?

Call for the Orders of the Day

The motion to Postpone Indefinitely remains with the main motion when the main motion is:

Laid on the Table

When a primary amendment to a main motion is pending:

The motion to be amended may not be discussed

Which of the following is false regarding the subsidiary motion Postpone to a Certain Time?

It has the same affect as the motion to Postpone Indefinitely

No motion can be renewed during the same meeting unless the question:

has been changed in some way

The first two articles in the bylaws of the organization are usually:

The name of the organization and its Object

The Previous Question can be used to close the debate immediately and stop a member from making of all subsidiary motions except:

Lay on the Table

Which motion below has the lowest precedence or rank?

Main motion

The Orders of the Day can be set aside:

by a 2/3 vote

An Objection to the Consideration of the Question can be applied to:

Both Original main motions and petitions and communication not from a superior body

If a motion is considered and adopted without having been seconded, it:

is still adopted

What happens to a main motion if the motion to Take from the Table is NOT proposed with the required time limit?

It dies

Member have the right to change their vote:

up to the time the result is announced by the President

The subsidiary motion to Amend can be:

applied to any main motion or any motion with a variable

An improper motion is one that conflicts with:

all of these

Which series of motions below is arranged from lowest to highest precedence

Main motion, Amend, Adjourn

The subsidiary motion to Postpone Indefinitely:

Is debatable and debate can go into the merits of the main motion

An original main motion is a main motion that:

Introduces a substantive question as a new subject

The minimum essential officers that must be present to conduct business in an organization are a:

Presiding officer and a secretary

In order for an Amendment to be in order, it must be:

Germane to the main motion

The motion Postpone to a Certain Time(Postpone Definitely) yields to which of the following motions?

Lay on the Table

If you obtained new information about your motion that has been adopted that might change the way members votes, the proper motion that you could propose is:


Which of the following motions is amendable but not debatable?

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

The maker of a motion has the right to modify or withdraw it:

Until the chair states the question

In the standard order of business, the reports of officers are presented:

Immediately after the approval of the minutes

A member can move to Adjourn a meeting while business is pending provided that:

the time for the next meeting has been established

How can a member propose to have the pending matter given special study?

Move to refer it to a committee

When a motion is adopted without the steps of stating the question and putting the question to a formal vote, it is called adopting by:

Unanimous(general) consent

Which of the following does NOT require a 2/3 vote?


The document of a society that contains its own rules relating to itself as an organization is the:

Constitution or Bylaws

The motion to Take from the Table is in order:

After some other business or interrupting matter has been transacted

Which of the following subsidiary motions can be applied to the motion to Lay on the Table?

None of these

An Object to the Consideration of a Question can only be raised:

before there has been any debate or subsidiary motion stated by the chair

If the motion to Postpone Indefinitely is adopted, what happens to the pending main motion?

It is killed for the duration of the current session

Which of the following motions cannot be Reconsidered


Which statement is true regarding a Point of Order?

If a motion is not seconded and debate begins, it is too late to raise a Point of Order

Which of the following motions is NOT an incidental motion?

Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

The chair may briefly paused the meeting, without objection, by:

standing at ease

The motion to Postpone Definitely(to a certain time) can be made while:

a main motion with an amendment is pending

The motion to Raise a Question of Privilege takes precedence over all the motions below except


Which vote is needed to pass the motion to Rescind?

Any of these

Which statement is true regarding debate?

The chair should alternate between those favoring and those opposing the motion

Which of the following motions is debatable and amendable

Recess(when no other motion is on the floor)

The maker of a motion cannot:

Speak against the motion

When the chair relinquishes the chair in order to debate a main motion, the chair returns to presiding when:

the main motion has been disposed of

Which motion below is undebatable only when it is applied to an undebatable motion?


A member who has been assigned the floor and has begun to speak may be interrupted by:

the raising of a Question of Privilege

In contrast to the motion Reconsider, the motion to Rescind;

can be made by any member

Rules which are related to the details of the administration of an organization rather than to parliamentary procedure are called:

standing rules

In the standard order of business, what follows special orders?

Unfinished business and general orders

Complex motions are often presented in the form of a:


A motion is recorded in the minutes:

as it was stated by the chair just before being voted on by the members

Which rule of debate listed below is false?

the chair can interrupt the speaker for any reason

All of the following subsidiary motions can be amended except:

Postpone Indefinitely

It is out of order to move to Lay on the Table a pending main motion if:

there is no evidence of another urgent matter requiring the immediate attention of the assembly

A motion to Adjourn that is moved when no others business is pending:

is always a privileged motion and is not debatable or amendable

If a member does not want a motion to be discussed at a meeting, he/she can:

Raise an Objection to the Consideration of the Question

If adopted, the Previous Question is a motion that stops:

debate and the making of amendments on the pending question

Which of the following is not a request or inquiry?

Point of Order

If a rising vote is inconclusive, the chair should

take another rising vote and order it to be counted

Which of the following motions can be made by the chair?

Objection to the Consideration of the question

If the following motions are all before the assembly at the same time, which is the immediately pending motion?

Withdraw the main motion

Which of the following motions is not debatable but is amendable

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

A member who has been assigned the floor and has begun to speak may be interrupted by:

Raising a question of privilege

When a main motion is postponed definitely in the unqualified form to the next regular meeting, what happens to it?

It becomes a general order of the day for the next meeting

If a motion is moved at the October meeting, then postponed definitely until the November meeting, each member:

Can debate twice during the October meeting and twice during the November meeting

To withdraw a motion that has been stated by the chair requires:

Permission of the assembly

If a main motion, an amendment, and a motion to postpone definitely are all pending, which motion(s) can be laid on the table?

Only the main motion can be laid on the table

Which of the following is true about the motion to Adjourn?

When it is moved in the qualified form it is a main motion

Which of the following motions is in order when another member has been assigned the floor and is speaking in debate?

Point of Order

According to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, which of the following is not a part of the Order of Business in a meeting?

Entertainment or Guest Speakers

A motion becomes the property of the assembly and is open for debate after:

it is restated by the chair

If a motion is made that you strongly disagree with and feel the assembly should not even discuss it, you should:

Object to the Consideration of the Question

Which of the following motions does not require a second

Division of the Assembly

Which of the following groups of motions has no rank in the order of precedence?

Incidental Motions

Which of the following statements is true about the motion to Amend?

The motion to Amend is only debatable when applied to a debatable motion

The subsidiary motion Previous Question:

can be applied to an entire series of pending debatable or amendable motions

Which of the following motions requires a 2/3 vote?

Close nominations

Each member may debate a specific motion:

Twice for a maximum of 10 minutes each time

Which of the following motions allows the membership to take a specific decision out of the chair's hands and give it to the assembly?


Which of the following classes of motions do not relate to the pending business but have to do with special matters of immediate and overriding importance?

Privileged Motions

Which of the following statements is true about a motion which has been laid on the table?

It remains there indefinitely until a motion to Take from the Table is passed or the end of the next monthly meeting

An organization should have an article in its Bylaws describing the rules by which it operates. This set of rules is often referred to as the organizations:

Parliamentary Authority

The motion to Raise a Question of Privilege takes precedence over which other privileged motion?

Call for the Orders of the Day

Which of the following motions is not debatable and not amendable?

Lay on the Table

Which of the following subsidiary motions can be applied to other subsidiary and privileged motions which have a higher rank in the order of precedence?


During debate on a main motion, a member rises and moves the Previous Question. If 31 votes are cast, how many have to vote in favor of the Previous Question in order for it to pass?


Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry, and Withdraw a Motion are all:

Requests and Inquiries

Which of the following motions is NOT a motion that brings a question again before an assembly?

Withdraw a Motion

In the absence of a quorum, which of the following is out of order?

Move into committee of the whole

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a deliberative assembly?

The size of the group is less than six

The questions acted upon in a deliberative assembly are normally decided by the

members who are present at a regular meeting

Members of a deliberative assembly

have the right to make motions, participate in debate, and vote.

The actions of any deliberative assembly are subject to

the bylaws and other rules of its organization and all applicable local, state, and national laws

The basic principle of decision in a deliberative assembly is that

propositions must be adopted by a majority vote

In a deliberative assembly, a proposition may be adopted by a majority vote, which means that a motion must be approved by

more than half of the members present and voting

The call of meeting is a

written notice of the time and place of the meeting which is mailed or distributed to members

When an unorganized group meets to discuss a specific problem and anyone may attend who is interested, it is called a

mass meeting

The bylaws of an organized local society usually provide that it shall hold

regular meetings at stated intervals

Which type of deliberative assembly below is characterized by having each meeting normally serve as a separate session?

Organized local societies

An assembly of delegates normally chosen for one session is called a


Which one of the following statements is true regarding a convention?

The voting membership of a convention usually consists of delegates

A board is an administrative body that is

elected or appointed

Large boards and large committees follow parliamentary procedure

in the same way as any assembly.

What is the legal document that gives the name and object of a society and also other information as required by law

Corporate Charter

The Corporate Charter of a society that wishes to be incorporated should contain

All of the listed answers

One principal advantage of incorporating a society is that the officers and members

are protected from personal liability under obligations that may be incurred by the organization

A corporate charter should be drafted by

an attorney

The document of a society that contains its own rules relating to itself as an organization is the

constitution or bylaws

Except for the corporate charter in an incorporated society, the highest body of rules are the


Ordinary societies usually provide themselves with suitable rules of order by naming an edition of a parliamentary law manual in its bylaws. This manual is then called the organization's

parliamentary authority

Rules of order that supplement or modify the rules contained in an organization's parliamentary

special rules of order

If a special rules of order is not in agreement with an organization's parliamentary authority, which one must be used?

The special rule

If an organization has adopted Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as their parliamentary authority and another manual disagrees with a specific rule, which manual is binding?

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is binding

The minimum affirmative vote necessary to suspend rules of order named in an organization's parliamentary authority or adopted as special rules of order is

two-thirds of the members present and voting

Standing rules

are related to the details of administration rather than parliamentary procedure

Ordinary standing rules generally contain

an hour that sets the time meetings are to begin

Which of the following is an example of a standing rule?

The maintenance of a guest register

A standing rule remains in effect until

rescinded or amended

At a formal meeting, and without notice, a deliberative assembly has the right to temporarily suspend its

standing rules

The quorum of an assembly is

the number of members who must be present for business to be legally transacted

In the absence of a provision in the bylaws, the quorum of an organized society is

a majority of the entire membership

The minimum essential officers that must be present to conduct business in a deliberative assembly are a

presiding officer and a secretary or clerk

Which phrase below applies both to the presiding officer and to the station in the place where he/she presides

The chair

What specifies the sequence in which certain general types or classes of business are brought up or permitted to be introduced at a meeting?

Order of business

A society which has adopted Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as its parliamentary authority

may adopt its own particular order of business

The presiding officer calls a meeting to order, the next order of business is usually

reading and approval of the minutes

In the standard order of business, the reports of officers are presented

immediately after the approval of the minutes.

In the standard order of business, new business is taken up

after unfinished business and general orders

The chair must recognize any

member who seeks the floor while entitled to it.

Before a member of an assembly is allowed to speak or propose a motion, he or she must "obtain the floor." This means that the member must

rise, address the chair, and wait to be recognized before speaking

