Newton's 3 Laws of Motion (Motion, Forces, Dynamics) HPS


the result of unbalanced forces, change in speed and direction


a push or a pull, with both strength & direction


resistance to change


distance traveled per unit time


speed of an object in a specific direction, the rate at which a position changes


amount of matter in an object or the measure of inertia in an object


the rate that velocity changes over time


measure of gravitational attraction or force or gravity pulling one object toward the center of another object


force that opposes motion between 2 sources


the force that pulls on objects and causes acceleration if the objects are not balanced by an opposing force

First Law of Motion

An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Second Law of Motion

The greater the mass the greater the amount of force needed to accelerate the object. F=MxA

Third Law of Motion

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

net force

sum of all forces acting on an object


unit of force, the force required to accelerate 1kg of mass at 1m per second

balanced force

keeps an object moving with the same speed and direction (including at rest), net force is zero, no change in motion

unbalanced force

an objects speed and direction will change, net force is NOT zero, change in motion

reference point

a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion


distance and direction of an object's change in position from the starting point

force pair

two forces exerted on two different objects from an action-reaction pair