Quiz 7

An organism that receives recombinant DNA

is a transgenic organism.

The DNA sequence 5' - ATCGATCG - 3' will pair with which of the following RNA strands?

2. 3' - UAGCUAGC - 5'

A three base sequence (loop) in tRNA that is complementary to a sequence of three bases in mRNA is a (an)


A diploid cell only has two copies of most genes, but can make hundreds of copies of a protein from those genes per second because during translation

multiple ribosomes can bind to the same mRNA simultaneously

The step of translation in which release factors bind to a stop codon is


The twisted ladder of DNA is composed of building blocks called


If the DNA in a cell consists of 20% A, it will be ___ T


The step of translation in which amino acids are added one at a time to the growing polypeptide is


The step of translation in which an mRNA, a small ribosomal subunit, and the initiator tRNA are aligned together is


In eukaryotic cells, sequences of mRNA that are removed from an mRNA molecule before being translated are


The type of RNA that helps align the ribosome and mRNA is

ribosomal RNA

A group of prokaryotic genes and other segments of DNA that are controlled together is a (an)


The DNA sequence 5' - ATCGTACG - 3' will pair with which of the following DNA strands?

3' - TAGCTAGC - 5'

adenine pairs with thymine in...

a molecule of DNA

The process used by cells to convert the mRNA "message" into a sequence of amino acids is


Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three main steps in

transcription and translation

The type of RNA that carries each amino acid to the ribosome is

transfer RNA.

Transcription and replication occur during ____________________ of the cell cycle.


DNA differs from RNA in that

DNA contains thymine.

A change in a cell's DNA sequence is

A mutation

A diploid cell only has two copies of most genes, but can make hundreds of copies of a protein from those genes per second because during transcription

multiple copies of the same mRNA can be produced from one gene

The type of RNA that carries the information that specifies a protein is

messenger RNA.

How can a single gene encode for more than one protein?

by removing some exons during splicing of mRNA

The rungs of the DNA ladder are formed by base pairs joined by

hydrogen bonds

RNA differs from DNA in that

All correct