Vocal Biol 3333


greek philosopher who helped form ideas (with Aristotle and Hippocrates) about pan genesis


form" provided by male in pan genesis, while female provided raw material


spermatists vs ovists


shows baby growing from embryo to fetus

linkage group

each kind of "n" from a different parent


active part of chromatin (loosely coiled)


coiled piece of inactive chromatin

metacentric, acrocentric, telocentric

refers to placement of the centromere on the homologs


nucleolus, where rna synthesis occurs

mitosis (# of dna molecules)

4 4 4 4 2

mitosis (# of chromosomes)

2 2 4 4 2

meiosis I (# of dna molecules)

4 4 4 4 2

meiosis I (# of chromosomes)

2 2 2 2 1

meiosis II (# of dna molecules)

2 2 2 2 1

meiosis II (# of chromosomes)

1 1 2 2

cell cycle

g0, g1, s, g2, p, m, a, t, c

which takes longest?

g1 phase

g1-s checkpoint

size of cell, time, triggers mitogens

g2-m checkpoint

repairs and completes replication

prophase summary

preparation phase (longest)

metaphase summary

chromosomes move to equator

anaphase summary

centromeres divide and chromosome number doubles

telophase summary

reverse of prophase, begins cytokinesis

prophase specific

chromosomes condense, nuclear membrane dissipates, spindle forms

metaphase specific

chromosomes move to equator and are attached to their spindles are the centromere

anaphase specific

centromeres divide and each sister chromatid is pulled to an opposite side

telophase specific

spindle breaks down, nuclear membranes form, chromosomes uncoil, cytokinesis


cleavage of a cell using a contracting ring of microfilaments

plant cell division

vesicles deliver material to form a new cell plate


(formed by prophase) 2 2-stranded chromosome paired closely together so basically a pair of homologous chromosomes so the cell can tell each linkage group apart

synoptical complex



chromosomes condense


synapsis begins


crossing over occurs


synaptical complex disassociates, chiasma


prophase ends, spindle forms


point of contact between chromatids while they are in pairs

segregation vs independent assortment

segregation of genes always occurs but independent assortment does not


alleles separate during the first meiotic division

independent assortment

unlinked alleles separate randomly

mono/di/tri hybrid crosses

heterozygous with homozygous recessive (to determine if one is heterozygous or homozygous dominant)

dihybrid phenotypic ration


dihybrid genotypic ration


incomplete codominance

blends to make a new allele

types of problems: possibility this event will occur?

multiply fractions

types of problems: possibility this mother will produce this gamete?

multiply fractions


variation in a gene pool where variation is less than 99%


when one gene hides the expression of a seemingly unrelated one

dominant epistasis

12:3:1 (focus on 12)

recessive epistasis

12:3:4 (focus on 4)

both dominants needed

9:7 (focus on 9)

both recessives needed

15:1 (focus on 1)


haploid genotype

problem type: is the male the father

use the baby's genotype to attribute the likely genotype of mother, then see if remainder matches with father

histocompatibility loci

paternity test conductors

problem types: penetrance

multiply penetrance (example: 7/10) by other fraction of probability


products of both alleles are seen


when a single gene affects multiple traits (example: agouti mice)

recessive lethal

a mutation that is lethal so it impacts the phenotype

dominant in pedigree

won't skip a generation

sex-linked in pedigree

cannot be passed from father to son


a gene on the x chromosome (example: hemophilia)


on any chromosome, but phenotype only shows in one (example: breast development)


trait more common on one of the sexes (example: beard growth)

pedigree diamond

sex unspecified

pedigree target sign

carrier of x-linked reccessive

crossed out sign pedigree


pedigree droplet

abortion or stillbirth

pedigree arrow


pedigree double link

consanguineous marriage

problem type: pedigrees

multiply the probability of traits being passed on (and remember to include the final one)