Midterm Review Chapter 11

What are the 4 stages of mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

What are the 3 stages of interphase?

G1, S, G2

What is the final stage of the cell cycle?


What are the three stages of the cell cycle?

interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis

What happens in G1?

Cell growth; mRNA and proteins are made

What happens in S phase?

DNA replication

What happens in g2?

cell prepares for mitosis and protein synthesis

What happens in prophase?

Chromosomes condense
Nuclear membrane disintegrates
Spindle apparatus formed by microtubules

What happens in metaphase?

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

What happens in anaphase?

Sister chromatids split and move to either pole

What happens in telophase?

Nuclear membrane reforms
Chromosomes decondense

What happens in cytokinesis?

cytoplasm divides

What forms during cytokinesis in plant cells?

cell plate

What holds chromosomes together?


What are the two strands of chromosomes called ?

sister chromatids

What are chromosomes made of?


What is cancer?

uncontrolled cell growth