Mitosis & Meoisis

what happens in a cell during interphase?

DNA is duplicated within cell

why is it important for DNA to be duplicated before Mitosis?

The chromosomes wouldn't be identical or split evenly

Functions of single-celled organisms

They reproduce through the cell division

Functions of multicellular organisms

Cell division is involved in growth, development, repair, and reproduction

What would happen if the cell went the mitosis but not cytokinesis?

There would not be two different cells

Why do cells divide?

To reproduce; for growth and repair

Reproduction of cells

Important for asexual reproduction; involves one parent

Growth & Repair of cells

Used in multicellular organisms to make new cells and repair old ones

What does DNA stand for?

DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

What happens to DNA during cell division?

Molecule holds traits; instructions for growth, development, and activities


Mass of loose DNA strands during most of a cell's life cycle


Visible structures of compacted chromatin as a cell division begins

How many chromosomes does a human being have?


Mitosis: Profase

The chromatin in the nucleus of a cell condenses and becomes visible under a microscope

Mitosis: Metaphase

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

Mitosis: Anaphase

The chromatids separate; they are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.

Mitosis: Telophase

A new nuclear membrane forms around each group chromosomes


The cytoplasm divides and two new cells are produced

# of chromosomes in sex cells compared to # of chromosomes in body cells

Having the genetic info body cells have; when 2 sex cells combine, there will be one full set of genetic info


Produces haploid sex cells

# of chromosomes that a body cell have


Sex cells differing from body cells

Having half of the genetic info; is one full set of DNA when 2 sex cells combine

Homologous chromosomes

Paired; carry diff. Versions of same genes; about same size & structure; have 23 pairs in body cells

Sex chromosomes

Control development of sexual characteristics (x and Y chromosomes); contains diploids


Cells that contain two pairs of chromosomes. (46) (Body cells)

sex cells (gametes)

Have half # of chromosomes (23); are haploid; made in the reproduction organs of plants & animals

haploids cells

Has one chromosome from each homologous pair; two haploids = 1 diploid (body cells)

Two parts of Meiosis:

Meiosis I & Meiosis II

Meiosis I:

Homologous chromosomes split into 2 new cells (chromatids are still joined)


A single-celled organism. Reproduces by dividing in two.

Meiosis II

Results w 4 haploid cells (4 sperm & 1 egg)

Different name for eggs in females


Different name for sperm in males


Which cells do NOT undergo mitosis?

sperm and egg cells

2 ways mitosis is important

Can repair; can help you grow

In mitosis, the cells that are created are . . .

Skin cells or stomach cells

What would occur if cells were in mitosis more than they were in interphase:

There would be too many cells and would cause cancer

What is a chromosome made of?

DNA and proteins

Mitosis starts and ends with which type of cells


How may chromosomes should be in each diploid after mitosis?


# of chromosomes when a sperm and egg cell come together

46 together

What a would happen if interphase didn't occur first in the cell cycle?

It's the starting cell that contains 46 chromosomes; cell would not be able to be r�duction division

How many chromosomes does a cell have when starting meiosis?

23 from mother, 23 from father (46)

Crossing Over

Process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis.


Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

How do you know if something is METAPHASE 1 or METAPHASE II?

Metaphase 1 has chromosomes that are in pairs down middle. Metaphase II has chromosomes that make single line down middle


Error in meiosis in which the homologous chromosomes fail to separate properly

single celled organisms

Single celled reproduce through cell divisions

Multicellular Organism

Cell divisions are involved in growth, development, repair, and reproduction

End result of Mitosis

Two new identical sets of chromosomes in two separate nuclei

Organs that develop in sex cells in human males and females

Testes in males; ovaries in females

In meiosis, after there are two new sex cells, what do they turn into?

Male- sperm cells; female- egg cells


Holds chromatids together

Sister Chromatids

2 identical copies of a chromatin connected by a centromere


Duplicated chromosome consisting of 2 identical structures