cell division jawn

one cell cycle math

one cell cycle is 75 minutes. cells duplicate so by 7.5 hours you would have 64 cells because 2-4-8-16-32....

what major event is mitosis a part of ?

the cell cycle

which type of cell does mitosis occur in ?

body cell - somatic cells

which type of cell does meiosis occur in ?

sex cell - gametes

4 phases of mitosis in order

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase PMAT

3 stages of the cell cycle

interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis


stage of the cell cycle during which the cells nucleus divides into two new nuclei, giving each daughter cell a copy of the DNA.


phase of mitosis in which centromeres split and chromatids separate to opposite ends of the cell


stage of the cell cycle before cell division occurs. during this stage the cell grows to its mature size, replicates its DNA and prepares to divide into two cells


phase of mitosis in which chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell and spindle divers attach to the centromere

the cell cycle

the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo


chromosomes condense and become visible, centrioles move to opposite sides of the nucleus, nucleus disappears, nuclear membrane breaks down, longest phase. Spindle fibers attached to centromeres of chromosomes.

spindle fibers

fanlike structure that helps separate chromosomes


phase of mitosis in which the cell stretches and divides into 2 identical daughter cells (clones), the chromosomes uncoil, and the nucleus reappears. nuclear membrane re forms. spindle breaks apart

animal cells cytokinesis

cleavage furrow

clevage furrow

pinches the cell into two parts


the stage of the cell cycle in which the cytoplasm divides, distributing organelles into each new daughter cell. it begins the same time as telophase and marks the end of cell division.

G1 phase

phase in which the cells do the most growing. during it, cells increase size and synthesize new proteins and organelles

S phase

phase in which chromosomes are replicated and the synthesis of DNA molecules takes place

G2 phase

phase in which many of the organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced. shortest phase of interphase.

3 things happen during the cell cycle

grows to mature size, prepares for cell division, divides to form 2 daughter cells

mitosis and cytokinesis occur in

M phase

cell division

Process by which a cell divides into two new daughter cells.

4 phases of cell cycle

G1, S, G2, M

phases of the cell cycle

3 stages of interphase

G1, S, G2

cell membrane

the larger the cell the more trouble it has moving enough nutrients and wastes across the

As the length of a cell increases, its volume increases faster than its

surface area

To avoid growing too large, cells regulate their size by


what can happen if a cell were to get too large for the amount of DNA it has ?

slow-rate of exchange for food, oxygen. and waste disposal DNA overload

what substances must pass through a cells membrane for the cell to continue to function?

Food, oxygen, and water enter a cell through its cell membrane. Waste produces leave the same way.

to avoid DNA overload

larger cells place more demand on DNA. where into is to control cell

to exchange materials more easily

food, oxygen, water, and wastes enter/exit cell via cell membrane

# of chromosomes in humans


Early Anaphase picture

Early Metaphase picture

Early Prophase picture

Early Telophase picture

Interphase (picture)

Late Anaphase

Metaphase picture

Mid Prophase picture

late telophase picture

Cytokinesis picture