Cell Division Vocabulary


Cell with two of each kind of chromosome (2n number).


A cell that contains one member of each chromosome pair (n number).


The phase of mitosis where the chromatids of each chromosome are pulled apart

Cell Cycle

Continuous sequence of growth and division in a cell...mitosis is just a small piece of the "pie" in this process.

G1 Phase

The phase of the Cell Cycle in which growth and replication of the organelles occur.

S Phase

The phase of the Cell Cycle in which DNA replication/synthesis occurs.

G2 Phase

The phase of the Cell Cycle in which the final preparations for Mitosis occur.


Cell structure that holds the sister chromatids of a chromosome together.


Long strands (tangled masses) of DNA found in the nucleus that condense to form chromosomes just before cell division begins


Cell structures that contain DNA and carry the genetic material from generation to generation


Cell process following mitosis in which the cell's cytoplasm divides and separates into new identical cells


The cell growth phase where the cell increases in size and the chromosomes replicate. This is NOT technically a part of Mitosis and includes the G1, S, and G2 parts of the cell cycle.


The phase of mitosis where the chromosomes line up in the center (equator) of the cell


Nuclear cell division in which 2 daughter cells are formed..they are identical to the parent cell and have the same number of chromosomes


The phase of mitosis in which chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes and jumble toward the center of the cell.


Uncontrolled cell division that may be caused by environmental factors or by mitosis going haywire

Sister Chromatid

Identical half of a duplicated chromosome - the halves are held together by the centromere


The final phase of mitosis where the cells have evenly distributed the chromosomes to each opposite end of the cell - cytokinesis happens immediately after this phase