Mitosis/Meiosis revised


A doubled rod of condensed chromatin; contains DNA that carries genetic information

Spindle Fiber

The fibers that attach to and pull apart the chromatids


Cell grows, performs its normal functions, and prepares for division


Cell's division (PMAT) of the nucleus. Final product is 2 cells that are exactly like the parent cell. It makes 2 cells.


Cell Prepares for mitosis. Chromatin condenses, nuclear envelope dissolves, spindle forms


Chromosomes line up in the Middle of the cell


Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes come Apart and move to opposite ends of the cell


Final phase of mitosis during which chromosomes uncoil back into chromatin, a nuclear envelope returns around the chromatin, and spindle fibers disappear. Two nuclei are visible.


Division of the cytoplasm during cell division


Long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins.


one of two identical "sister" parts of a duplicated chromosome (in my example, my arm and leg on one side of my body)


The region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together during mitosis.

Somatic Cell

Any cell in a multicellular organism except a sperm or egg cell. It means a body cell.


Copying process by which a cell duplicates its DNA

Cell Cycle

The regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo


Cell division that produces sex cells (sperm and egg cells) It makes 4 cells


Sex cells (sperm and egg cells)

Mitotic Cells Genetic Information

has the full/normal number of chromosomes. Is an identical copy of the parent cell and daughter cell. Is an identical copy of every cell in your body.

Meoitic Cells Genetic Information

has half the number of chromosomes. Creates a sex cell used to combine with another sex cell from the opposite sex. This makes full, unique set of DNA. (a brand new organism!)

Parent Cell

The cell that splits into two daughter cells.

Cell Plate

In a plant cell, midline of dividing cells. Becomes the cell wall eventually.