Mitosis/ Meiosis Do Nows

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

what are the phases/ stages of mitosis?

G1, S, G2

what are the stages of interphase?

growth, repair, and replacement

what are the reasons cells divide?

the "s" phase

during which phase of the cell cycle is the DNA replicated/ duplicated?


in this stage of the cell cycle the sister chromatids are pulled apart and move towards opposite pulls

spindle fibers

what do we call the fibers attached to the centrioles that pull chromatids apart during anaphase?


what is the cancer treatment drug that targets the tubulin in the spindle, preventing its formation, in effect blocking mitosis

23 pairs

what is the # of chromosomes in a normal human karyotype?


what is the proper notation for a female with Down's Syndrome?

somatic cells

all the cells in your body that are not gametes are called...

meiosis I

homologous chromosomes separate during...

gametes (sperm/egg)

the purpose of meiosis is to form...

1 egg, 3 polar bodies

in oogenesis, _______ egg is formed along with 3 ___________

meiosis I, meiosis II

homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis____ while sister chromatids separate during meiosis ____

sperm cell

a human cell contains 22 autosomes and a y chromosome. This is a ______ cell

prophase I

during which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?

meiosis I

independent assortment of chromosomes occurs during...


independent assortment of chromosomes is the result of the _____________of life