Meiosis worksheet

Metaphase I

Homologous chromosome line up in the center of the cell

Telophase I

Spindle fibers pull homologous pairs to ends of the cell

Telophase II/ Cytokinesis

4 haploid (N) daughter cells form

S Phase

Cells undergo a round of DNA replication

Anaphase II

Sister chromatids separate from each other

Telophase I/ Cytokinesis

2 haploid (N) daughter cells form

Prophase I

Spindle fibers attach to the homologous chromosome pairs

Telophase II

Individual chromatids move to each end of the cell

Prophase I

Crossing-over (if any) occurs

In meiosis, 4 haploid daughter cells are formed. In mitosis, 2 diploid daughter cells are formed

Compare the number and types of cells that result from meiosis vs. mitosis

In mitosis, each daughter cell has the same amount of chromosomes as the starting cell. In meiosis, each daughter cell has half of the amount as the starting cell

How do the genetic contents of cells resulting from mitosis and meiosis differ?

Similar: meiosis I and meiosis II both undergo PMAT; the formation of daughter cells
Different: meiosis I is when homologous pairs separate, forms 2 haploid daughter cells
meiosis II is when sister chromatids separate, forms 4 haploid daughter cells

Describe a similarity and a difference between meiosis I and meiosis II

Each daughter cell will have 14 chromosomes

If a diploid cell containing 28 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

Similar: mitosis and meiosis form daughter cells and undergo PMAT
Different: meiosis forms gametes, makes 4 haploid daughter cells and are genetically diff. because of crossing over
Mitosis forms somatic cells, makes 2 diploid daughter cells and are same

How are mitosis and meiosis similar and different?

Metaphase I

Homologous chromosome line up in the center of the cell

Anaphase I

The individual chromosomes move apart

Telophase II/ Cytokinesis

4 haploid (N) daughter cells form

Telophase I

Spindle fibers pull homologous pairs to ends of the cell

S phase (both meiosis and mitosis)

Cells undergo a round of DNA replication

Metaphase II/ Metaphase (meiosis and mitosis)

The chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell

Prophase (I and II) (mitosis and meiosis)

Chromosomes become visible

Anaphase (II) (mitosis and meiosis)

Sister chromatids separate from each other

Telophase I/ Cytokinesis

2 haploid (N) daughter cells form

Anaphase (II) (mitosis and meiosis)

Sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes

Telophase (I and II) (mitosis and meiosis)

Nuclear envelope re-forms

Metaphase I

Spindle fibers attach to the homologous chromosome pairs

Telophase (II)/ Cytokinesis (mitosis and meiosis)

Individual chromatids move to each end of the cell

Prophase/ I/II

The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down


Each chromosome is connected to a spindle fiber

Interphase (S phase)

During which phase of the meiotic cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

Telophase (any)

During which phase of meiosis does the nuclear membrane reform around chromosomes?

A sperm cell

A human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is...

Meiosis I

Homologous chromosomes move towards opposite poles of a dividing cell during...

Sister chromatids separate during anaphase

Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that...

Homologous line up in meiosis I and duplicated chromosomes line up in meiosis II

Metaphase of meiosis I and meiosis II differ in that...

Anaphase II

At which stage of meiosis do chromatids separate and become daughter chromosomes?


The process in which haploid gametes are formed in diploid organisms is called:

A somatic cell of a female (b/c it has 46 chromosomes)

A human cell containing 44 autosomes and two X chromosomes is...

Anaphase I

Independent assortment is one of the factors that contributes to gene tic diversity. Independent assortment is associated with what stage of meiosis?


The fertilized egg (zygote) of a human contains how many chromosomes?


Which cells of the human body are made through the process of meiosis?


A ________ is the compete set of chromosome of an organism, arranged and displayed in pairs and ordered by size

Two somatic cells produced by the same person

Which 2 cells would be more genetically similar to each other?


If a diploid organism has a genome consisting of 22 chromosomes, its gametes will have _____ chromosomes

Interphase I

When does DNA replication occur during meiosis?

Crossing over

The word "synapsis" is associated with which process?