GENETICS: Exam 3 - Ch. 11: Chromosome Structure (and parts of Ch. 18)


In DNA Replication, you go from _____________ to _____________


In Transcription, you go from _____________ to ______________

RNA to protein

In Translation, you go from _______________ to ______________


-large, circular chromosomes
-no histones, but still complexed with proteins to form large twisted loops
-in nucleoid
-1 ori site


-linear chromosomes
-chromatin change locally as genes are transcribed and changes all during cell cycle
-wrap around histones
-located in nucleus
-multiple ori sites


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
DNA + associated proteins (Scaffold-SARS, kinetochore, telomere caps, histones)


relatively uncondensed chromatin that is always ready for transcription


condensed chromatin that is never transcribed
-for functional structures

constitutive heterochromatin

chromatin that is always condensed, found in centromeres and telomeres

telomeres, centromeres, barr body

3 things heterochromatin is for

facultative euchromatin

chromatin that goes back and forth between a condensed and uncondensed state depending on whether that area of DNA is being transcribed or not

tertiary structure

How does DNA pack into a small nucleus?


Packing DNA into Small Spaces:
either remove some coiling or add some; one form of tertiary structure
-found in bacterial chromosomes, plasmids, even portions of linear DNA

topoisomerase type I

Packing DNA into Small Spaces:
enzyme that breaks one strand of the double stranded DNA so supercoiling can be released and molecule can get closer to relaxed state; then the enzyme re-glues the strands back together

topoisomerase type II (gyrase)

Packing DNA into Small Spaces:
breaks both strands of DNA to either relax or cause supercoiling; then the enzyme re-glues the strands together once the supercoiling is relaxed

scaffold proteins

proteins detached from chromosomes, histones removed
-these allow DNA to attach

scaffold attachment region (SAR)

area where DNA and scaffold proteins are attached


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
-most abundant protein
H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4

nonhistone chromosomal proteins

Eukaryotic Chromosome:
-either act as structural or processing (TC or replication) proteins
Scaffold proteins
Telomere caps
Molecular motors to move chromosomes during mitosis/meiosis


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
core particle consisting of DNA wrapped 2 times around a histone octamer

H2A, H2B, H3, H4 all x2

Histone octamer is made of:


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
acts as a clamp to lock nucleosomes in place


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
nucleosomes plus H1

Linker DNA

Eukaryotic Chromosome:
DNA found between chromosomes


Eukaryotic Chromosome:
the 30nm strand, spiral of nucleosomes

scaffolding proteins, scaffold attachment regions (SARs)

Eukaryotic Chromosome:
30nm strands loop back and forth to attach to _________________________ by means of _________________________ on the DNA

polytene chromosomes

Eukaryotic Chromosome:
Changes in Chromatin Structure:
-you can see how the chromatin periodically RELAXES to allow TC and replication in these
-these chromosomes are only found in flies and only in their salivary glands and footpads
-chromosomes are very

chromosome puff

Region on a polytene chromosome that is a TC site


stable alterations of chromatin structure that may be passed on to cells or individual organisms


structure critical for chromosome movement during mitosis and meiosis
-inhibit anaphase until spindle fibers form the poles attach
-not defined by DNA sequence but by epigenetic changes in chromatin structure

point centromeres

Type of Centromere:
-Saccharomyces = 125bp
-relatively small; repeated several times in centromeric region

regional centromeres

Type of Centromere:
-in fission yeast, central core of 4000-7000bp flanked by blocks of centromere-specific, often tandem repeat, sequences
-in humans, there are hundreds of thousands of repeats


-structure that provides stability against degradation of the chromosome
-critical in replication b/c last few nucleotides on ends are unable to be replicated
-so chromosome gets shorter every time cell divides


enzymes that prevents shortening of telomeres
-found in germ cells and single celled organisms

tandem repeats

telomeres consist of _________________ (human one is TTAGGG repeated 250-1500 times)
-number of repeats depends on the cell type and the chromosome


multi protein complex which binds to mammalian chromosome telomeres so they won't be repaired as a double-stranded DNA break would

tandem repeats

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
short sequences that are repeated over and over again

artificial chromosomes

Chromosomes that can replace a bad chromosome
-can be created to try new gene flavors
-human proteins usu. need stuff added
-plants can do that!
-ex: vaccinations in bananas

C value

Variation in Eukaryotic DNA Sequence:
haploid amount of nuclear DNA per cell
-doesn't always equate with complexity of organism


heating the DNA molecules enough that H bonds break between the 2 strands
-now have single stranded DNA
-aka "melting" the DNA


reannealing of two DNA strands by cooling it down


when 2 ssDNA molecules from different sources anneal b/c they are complementary

nonrepetitive unique sequence DNA

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
-includes protein coding genes & gene families; only show up once to a few times in the genome

moderately repetitive DNA

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
150-300bp long generally
-thousands of times repeated (tandem or interspersed)
-can be functional or nonfunctional (LINES, SINES, viral retrotransposons, transposons)

interspersed repeat

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
repeat is scattered throughout genome

tRNA, rRNA, histones

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
3 types of functional moderately repetitive DNA

LINES, SINES, viral retrotransposons, transposons

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
4 types of nonfunctional moderately repetitive DNA


3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
rTn>>TC>>RT>>inserted in another place
-encodes RNA binding protein
-have their own TC and RT
-encodes RT homologue with endonuclease activity (ability to c


3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
rTn>>TC>>RT>>inserted in another place
-borrow TC from our cells
-Alu sequence - has All restriction site in it; ~11% of human DNA
-average size is 300bp lo

viral retrotransposons

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
-encode all viral protein but envelope protein so can't bud from cell
-integrase & reverse transcriptase proteins allow it to move in the genome
-TERRIBLE if these move in e

gag pol env

Keys for identifying retroviruses, nonfunctional


3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
Moderately Repetitive DNA:
gene that can move in the genome if active, but it usually can't do anything

highly repetitive DNA (satellite DNA)

3 Types of DNA Sequences in Eukaryotes:
-often <10bp repeats
-hundreds of thousands to millions of copies
-tandem or dispersed into clusters
-usu. has no known function
(centromeric DNA, telomeric DNA, micro satellite repeats, VNTR DNA/minisatellite repea

centromeric DNA, telomeric DNA (satellite DNA)

2 functional types of highly repetitive DNA sequences

VNTR (mini satellite DNA), dinucleotide repeats (micro satellite DNA)

2 nonfunctional types of highly repetitive DNA sequences

move, mutations

The Nature of Transposable Elements:
~45% of human DNA
-able to _______ around the genome
-may cause _______________ by inserting within a gene or by promoting DNA rearrangement
-have short direct flanking repeats and may have terminal inverted repeats

short direct flanking repeats

The Nature of Transposable Elements:
-due to insertion process; not part of transposon

terminal inverted repeats

The Nature of Transposable Elements:
recognition sequence of transposases


movement of transposable element from one location to another

DNA, transposase, homologue, prokaryotes

Mechanisms of Transposition:
-transpose via __________ intermediates
-those that still move, encode own ___________________ and may have other genes
-either replicative or non replicative
-even 2nd version results in increase of # of copies o

replicative transposition

Mechanisms of Transposition:
new copy of transposon introduced at new site while old copy stays at old site

nonreplicative transposition

Mechanisms of Transposition:
-transposon excises self from one site and moves to another

RNA, not, viral, eukaryotes

Mechanisms of Transposition:
transpose via _________ intermediates
-do ________ encode own transposase but may have _________ genes like RT
-most common in _____________________

1 centromere, 2 telomeres, ori site

3 things a chromosome needs

attracted to CenH3 (H3 histone) on centromere

Why do kinetochore proteins attach at the centromere