DNA Vocabulary


An organism's code of instructions for life; DNA.


The building block of DNA made up of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate group.

Nucleotide (Nitrogen) base

Chemicals that bond together in a DNA molecule (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine).

Double helix

Twisted ladder structure of a DNA molecule.


Special markers made up of three nitrogen bases in the DNA that code for amino acids.

Amino acid

Building blocks of proteins.


Long chains of amino acids that determine traits.


A section of DNA on a chromosome that codes for specific protein that determines a trait.


Long strands of DNA. Humans have 46.


An organized picture of a person's chromosomes.

DNA Replication

Process where cells make a copy of DNA molecule to prepare for division.


A molecule that is a copy of the information in the DNA that is used to build proteins.

Cell Differentiation

Process where cells become different type of cells (specialized) to perform specific functions (nerve, blood, muscle etc.)

Cell Cycle

The life cycle of a cell; including growth, development and division

Body cells

Produced through process of mitosis. Body cell are cells of an organism not involved in reproduction.

Sex cells

Produced through process of meiosis; reproductive cells (egg or sperm).


Any random change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.


Physical or behavioral characteristics of organisms.


Cell process that produces two daughters cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. Creates body cells.


Cell process that produces four daughter cells with half the genetic information of the parent cell. Creates sex cells.