Biology Mitosis and DNA Replication

reasons for cell division

maintain workable ratio; growth; repair and replacement


longest part of the cell cycle; period where DNA is duplicated

4 stages of mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase


chromosomes visible, spindle fibers form


chromosomes move to the middle of the cell


doubled chromosomes separate, chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell


spindles breakdown nuclear envelope appears


division of cytoplasm, 2 daughter cells

result of mitosis

two IDENTICAL cells that are diploid~ have a chromosome from mother and chromosome from father


uncontrolled cell divison


strands of DNA wrapped around proteins and coiled tightly; found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and free-floating in prokaryotic cells

double helix

twisted ladder of DNA is called .....

3 parts of a nucleotide

sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen base

possible nitrogen bases

adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine

hydrogen bonds

two strands held together by ....... bonds

importance of DNA replication

need exact copy of the DNA to its daughter cells so they can function correctly

importance of enzymes

breaks, rebuilds, and proofreads

process of DNA replication

1. enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds between the paired nitrogen bases~allows DNA to "unzip"
2. new unprepared nucleotides are paired
3. enzymes link nucleotides along the constructed side of the DNA ladder by bonding sugar to phosphate backbone
4. DNA is

result of DNA replication

two identical DNA molecules~ each 'daughter' DNA molecule is composed of one OLD strand and one NEW strand, semi-conservative; each daughter cell will receive one of the two copies of DNA


each copy of DNA is packaged here ____, on a double chromosome