Chaptor 10 bio

The numbers in figure 10-1 represent the chromosome number found in each of the dog cells shown.Processes that are occurring at A and B are ____________.

B.Meiosis and fertilization

In figure 10-8, which set of chromatids illustrates the result of a single crossover of the homologous?


Which event during meiosis leads to a reduction in chromosome number from 2n to n?

C.homologous chromosomes travel to opposites sides of the cell

Crossing over would most likely occur during which stage of the cell cycle?

B. When homogeneous chromosomes line up in pairs

Which is the best description of the events that take place during anaphase II?

C. Sister chromatids are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell

What is the role of the spindle fibers?

D. To move chromosomes in the cell

The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in a typical human sperm.


During which phase of meiosis do homologous pairs of chromosomes line up next to one another along equator?

C. Prophase II

Which stage of meiosis is responsible for the law independent assortment

A. metaphase I

Consider the cell labeled X in figure 10-9 containing 4 chromosomes . which of the four cells below it represents healthy gamete that could be produced from this cell?


Which stage of meiosis is represented in figure 10-10?

B. Metaphase I