positive pressure ventilation may result in

decreased BP and decreased CO

need oxygen to break down ___


auto peep indicates

air trapping

are alveoli normally positive or negative during inspiration


intrapleural pressure

pressure in the pleural space between parietal and visceral pleura

alveolar pressure (P a)

lung/intraplural pressure

normal alveolar pressure

-1 on inspiration and +1 on expiration

transairway pressure

pressure gradient between AW opening and alveolus

transthoracic pressure

pressure needed to expand or contract the lungs and chest wall at the same time

transpulmonary pressure also called

alveolar distending pressure

transpulmonary pressure

the pressure that maintains alveolar inflation

how is transpulmonary pressure effected by mechanical ventilation


transrespiratory pressure

pressure required to inflate the lungs and airways during positive pressure ventilation

compliance equation

change in volume/change in pressure

normal compliance

.1 L/cmH20

normal compliance of an unintubated pt

.05- .17 L/cmh20

normal compliance of an intubated male pt

40-50 ml/cmh20

a pt with decreased lung compliance needs more ___ to get air into their lungs


ex of diseases that cause pts to have decreased lung compliance

ARDS, sarcoidosis, restrictive diseases

ex of a disease with increased lung compliance


normal Raw

.6-2.4 cmH20/lps

normal raw of an intubated pt

6cm H20/lps

Raw increases as ETT ____


time constant is the product of

compliance and resistance

time constant is the

time required to fill/empty the lungs

how many time constants to completely fill the lungs


negative pressure ventilation disadvantage in

hypovolemic pts

when is plateau pressure measured

after inspiration before expiration

1mmhg = ____ cmh20


1kPa = ____mmhg


positive pressure ventilation can cause pressures on the heart resulting in

decreased BP and CO

open loop system

unintelligent" cant respond to changing conditions when delivering a Vt

closed loop system

intelligent" can respond to changes and compensate for problems with delivered Vt


minimal/mandatory ventilation. you set a minute ventilation and RR or Vt increases if Ve is not enough

the more Ti you have the more ___ you can get in


phase variables

trigger variable, limit variable, cycle variable

cycle variable

ends inspiration

breath triggering by

time triggering, pressure triggering, flow triggering, volume triggering

time triggering is only for patients breathing

mandatory breaths

limit variables is the

maximum value a variable can attain

the 4 limit variables


the 4 cycle variables


does limit variable stop inspiration


in volume control ___ ends inspiration


in pressure control ____ ends inspiration


on volume control if the PIP PLAT and MAP are too high what should you do

put pt on pressure control

if your using FLOLAN what triggering should you use

pressure triggering, bc of continuous nebulization

tubing compressability, vent tubing circuits lose about

2-3 ml of Vt for ever 1 cmh20 of PIP

you can tell if the system has a leak if the exhaled Vt is

less then the set volume (by 100)

ways to increase MAP pressure

increase PEEP, CPAP, RR, VT, Ti, Pressure support


increased baseline pressure for spontaneously breathing pts

an increase in temperature and metabolism =

increase in co2 production and o2 consumption

is o2 or co2 effected first


how to recognize respiratory distress

level of consciousness, appearance, vitals

acute respiratory failure numbers

pao2-below normal for age
paco2- 50 and increasing
ph- 7.25 and lower

acute hypoxic respiratory failure

tissue hypoxemia (bad o2)

early signs of acute hypoxic respiratory failure

inc RR and inc HR

acute hypercapnic respiratory failure

co2 is bad PUMP FAILURE

causes of hypoxic respiratory failure

right to left shunting, alveolar hypoventilation, aging, inadequate o2 inspired

causes of hypercapnic resp failure (pump failure)

respiratory muscles, thoracic cage, and nerve damage

as co2 increase ____ increases

intracranial pressure

as o2 decreases hr ___


refractory hypoxemia is caused by


combined effects of hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis

ventricular arrest, fibrillation

how does a central nervous system disorder effect Ve and alveolar ventilation

Ve and alveolar vent decrease and more dead space

how does an ETT effect deadspace

decreases it

acceptable MEP

40 cmh20

minute ventilation is directly related to

metabolic rate

tobin index


increased paco2 also indicates increased ____

physiological dead space

normal dead space

30-40 %

when the Pao2 is low and the P(A-a) is high hypoxemia is due to

shunting, diffusion defects, or V/Q mismatching


high flow of o2, creates PEEP and washes out deadspace