Nate Formulas

Fan law: Pulley size Formula

DP=Diameter of Pulley f=Fan or Driven
m=Motor or Driver

Actual Brake HP of a motor

BHP = HPnp( Amps/FLA)
np = Name plate

Synchronizes speed of a motor

7200 / # of poles

Convert Velocity pressure (Vp) into Feet Per Minute (FPM)

FPM = 4005(sqrt of Vp)

Convert V(velocity) into CFM

CFM = Asqft X Vfpm
Asqft = Area of the ductwork in square feet
Vfpm = Velocity in Feet Per Minute

Tp(total pressure) equals

Tp = Static (Sp) + Velocity (Vp)

The formula to figure the BTUH of an ac system using field measurements

BTUH = 4.5(CFM) x (Delta Enthalpy)

Fan law: Basic fan law formula

BHP2 = BHP1 X ((RPM2 / RPM1)cubed)
Shows that required power of a motor varies by the Cube of the speed increase of that motor.

The formula to figure the CFM of a Gas furnace using field measurements.

CFM = BTUH(output) / 1.08 X Delta T
1.08 = 60(.075 X 0.24)
60 = Adjust formula to one hour
Density of Dry air (.075)
Specific heat (0.24) of Dry Air

The formula to figure the CFM of an electric furnace

CFM = (E X I) X 3.414 / 1.08 X Delta T
E X I = watts of the heating elements
3.414 converts watts to BTU's

Fan law: The formula to determine BTUH of a Gas furnace using field measurements.

BTUH = 1.08 X CFM X Delta T

Chiller load formula

BTUH = GPM X 60 X 8.33 X Delta T
BTUH = GPM X 500 X Delta T

Convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit

C = (F - 32) / 1.8

Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade

F = (1.8 X C) + 32

U value of insulation is equal to?

1/R Where R is the R value of the insulation.

R value of insulation is equal to?

Where U is the U value of the insulation.

Area of a circle

A = pi X Rsq

Formula for Power in Watts

W = I X E

ohms law

E = I X R

Formula for finding the resistance of a Parallel circuit

Rt = (R1 X R2) / (R1 + R2) or
1 / (((1/R1) + (1/R2) + (1/R3) + ....)))
If all resisters are the same value divide the common value by the # of resisters

Formula for finding the total caps in parallel

Ct = C1 + C2 + C3

Formula for capacitors in series

1 / (1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3)

Find Watts when BTU's are known

W = BTU's X .293
.293 is the reciprocal of 3.414,
the number of BTU's in a watt.

Compression Ratio (CR)

CR = Head PSIA / Suction PSIA

Formula for PSIA when Inches of HG is known

PSIA = (30 - Inches HG) / 2

Figure the expected temperature drop across a chiller

Delta T = BTUH / (GPM X 500)

Circumference of a circle

C = pi X D

Fan law: The relationship of CFM to RPM change

Doubling RPM doulbles CFM

Figure Approximate BHP when motor amps and applied voltage is known

Approx BHP = (E X I)/746
To many factors to make this a good formula

Formula to clock a furnace or boiler

BTUH = [(cuft X 3600)/sec.] x cf x 1000
cuft = amount of gas measured at meter; 3600 = secs in an hour; sec = time taken to measure gas used in secs. ; cf = correction factor (usually around 3.04)