Fluids & Electroyletes

Obligatory Water losses

losing water thru organs that are not water handlers... nothing yu can do about it ..

insensible water loss

imperceptible, this H20 loss occurs via evaporation & moisture exhaled in breaths.


unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable

Insensible water loss:

- from lungs (that vaporizes out in expired air)
- or skin (diffuses directly through)
- Perspiration
- Feces

Minimum daily sensible water loss of

500 ml in urine to excrete wastes

Body water and Na+ content are regulated in tandem by mechanisms that maintain

- cardiovascular function
- and blood pressure

Water reabsorption in collecting ducts is proportional to ADH release

decreased ADH = dilute urine and decreased volume of body fluids
increased ADH = concentrated urine

Hypothalamic osmoreceptors trigger or inhibit

ADH release

Other factors may trigger ADH release via large changes in blood volume or pressure,

- fever,
- sweating,
- vomiting,
- or diarrhea;
- blood loss; and traumatic burns

increased osmolalilty or increased Na+ in plasma stimulates

osmoreceptors in hypothalamus

osmoreceptors in hypothalamus stimules

posterior pituituary

posterior pituituary releases


ADH target

collecting ducts of kidneys

effects of collecting ducts of kidneys

increased water reabsorption

increased water reabsorption results in

decreased osmolality
increased plasma volume
- scant urine

decreased plasma volume and BP inhibits

baroreceptors in atrium and large vessles

inhibition of baroreceptors in atrium and large vessles stimulates

posterior pituitary to release ADH

ADH targets

collecting ducts of kidneys
- inc. water reabsorption
results in
- dec osmolaltiu
increased plasma vol
- scant urine

dehydation signs and Sx

dry flushed skin
May lead to
- weight loss,
- fever,
- mental confusion,
- hypovolemic shock,
- and loss of electrolytes

ECF is diluted = hyponatremia and leads to a

net osmosis into tissue cells = swelling of cells = severe metabolic disturbances (nausea,
muscular cramping,
cerebral edema) possible death

Edema due to anything that increases flow of fluid out of the blood or hinders its return

1. increased blood pressure
2. Capillary permeability (usually due to inflammatory chemicals)
3. Incompetent venous valves, localized blood vessel blockage
4. Congestive heart failure, hypertension, and increased blood volume

Hindered fluid return occurs with an imbalance in colloid osmotic pressures, e.g., hypoproteinemia (decreased plasma proteins)

- Fluids fail to return at the venous ends of capillary beds
Results from
- protein malnutrition,
- liver disease, or
- Glomerulonephritis

Blocked (or surgically removed) lymph vessels

leaked proteins to accumulate in IF
- increased colloid osmotic pressure of IF draws fluid from the blood
Results in
- low blood pressure and
- severely impaired circulation

Importance of salts CSEM

1. Controlling fluid movements
2. Excitability
3. Secretory activity
4. Membrane permeability

Central Role of Sodium

Most abundant cation in the ECF

Sodium salts in the ECF contribute

280 mOsm of the total 300 mOsm ECF solute concentration

Na+ leaks into cells and

is pumped out against its electrochemical gradient

Na+ content may change but ECF

Na+ concentration remains stable due to osmosis

Changes in plasma Na+ levels affect

Plasma volume, blood pressure
ICF and IF volumes

Renal acid-base control mechanisms are coupled to Na+ ion transport

No receptors are known that monitor Na+ levels in body fluids

Na+ - water balance is linked to

Blood pressure and blood volume control mechanisms

Na+ reabsorption

65% is reabsorbed in the proximal tubules 25% is reclaimed in the loops of Henle


active reabsorption of remaining Na+
Water follows Na+ if ADH is present

Renin-angiotensin mechanism is the main trigger for

aldosterone release

Granular cells of JGA secrete

renin in response to:
- Sympathetic nervous system stimulation
- Filtrate osmolality
- decreased stretch (due to decreased blood pressure)

Renin catalyzes the production of angiotensin II which prompts

aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex

Aldosterone release is also triggered by

elevated K+ levels in the ECF

Aldosterone brings about its effects

slowly (hours to days)

increased K+ or Na+ in blood plasma

RAAS activates and stimulates

adrenal cortex which releases


aldosterne targets

kidney tubules

kindey tubules

na+ reabsopriton
k+ secretion

k+ secretion restores

homeostatic plasma levels of Na+ and K+


Adrenal cortex
Kidney Tubules
Na+ reabsorption
Increased K+ secretion
= homeostatic plasma levels of Na and K

ANP released by atrial cells in response to

stretch - increased blood pressure

ANP Effects

Decreases blood pressure and blood volume:
- decreases ADH, renin and aldosterone production
- increases Excretion of Na+ and water
- Promotes vasodilation directly and also by decreasing production of angiotensin II


targets hypothal and posterior pituitary gland
- decreases ADH release


Increases NaCl reabsorption (like aldosterone)
H2O retention during menstrual cycles and pregnancy


increases Na+ reabsorption and promote edema


decreases Na+ reabsorption
(blocks aldosterone)
Promotes Na+ and H2O loss

Cardiovascular System Baroreceptors alert the brain of

increases in blood volume and pressure
- Sympathetic nervous system impulses to the kidneys decline
- Afferent arterioles dilate
- GFR increases
- Na+ and water output increase
ANP effect

Importance of potassium K+:

Affects RMP in neurons and muscle cells (especially cardiac muscle)

Increased ECF [K+] leads to

decreased RMP = depolarization = reduced excitability

Decreased ECF [K+]

hyperpolarization and non-responsiveness

H+ shift in and out of cells

Leads to corresponding shifts in K+ in the opposite direction to maintain cation balance
Interferes with activity of excitable cells

K+ balance is controlled in the cortical collecting ducts by

changing the amount of potassium secreted into filtrate

High K+ content of ECF favors

principal cell secretion of K+

When K+ levels are low,

type A intercalated cells reabsorb some K+ left in the filtrate

Influence of aldosterone

Stimulates K+ secretion
(and Na+ reabsorption) by principal cells

Increased K+ in the adrenal cortex causes

Release of aldosterone
Potassium secretion

Ca2+ in ECF is important for

Neuromuscular excitability
Blood clotting
Cell membrane permeability
Secretory activities

Hypocalcemia =

increased cell excitability and muscle tetany

Hypercalcemia =

Inhibits neurons and muscle cells, may cause heart arrhythmias

Calcium balance is controlled by

-parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin

Bones are the largest reservoir for

Ca2+ and phosphates

PTH promotes increase in calcium levels by targeting

- bones,
- kidneys, and
- small intestine (indirectly through vitamin D)

Calcium reabsorption and phosphate excretion

go hand in hand

Normally 75% of filtered phosphates are

actively reabsorbed in the PCT
PTH inhibits this by decreasing the Tm

Cl- is the major anion in the ECF

1. Helps maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood
2. 99% of Cl- is reabsorbed under normal pH conditions

When acidosis occurs,

fewer chloride ions are reabsorbed

Other anions have

transport maximums and excesses are excreted in urine

18) Angiotensin II
A) causes widespread vasoconstriction throughout the body.
B) stimulates thirst.
C) causes the synthesis and release of aldosterone from the
adrenal cortex.
D) A and B
E) A, B and C

E) A, B and C

Atrial natriuretic peptide
A) acts as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter.
B) is secreted by neurons originating in the hypothalamus.
C) is produced by specialized myocardial cells.
D) A and B
E) A, B and C

E) A, B and C

Which of the following is not true about angiotensin II?
A) is a potent vasoconstrictor
B) elevates blood pressure
C) activates parasympathetic output
D) stimulates thirst
E) increases cardiac output

C) activates parasympathetic output

Dangers of low plasma potassium include (hypokalemia)
A) skeletal muscle weakness.
B) arrhythmias.
C) weakness and failure of the muscles of respiration.
D) A and B
E) A, B and C

E) A, B and C

When large amounts of pure water are consumed,
A) a fluid shift occurs and the volume of the ICF decreases.
B) the ECF becomes hypertonic to the ICF.
C) osmolarities of both ECF and ICF will be slightly lower.
D) the volume of the ECF will decrease.
E) th

C) osmolarities of both ECF and ICF will be slightly lower.

If plasma levels of potassium K+ get too high, (hyperkalemia)
A) cells are unable to repolarize fully.
B) excitable cells depolarize readily.
C) action potentials become smaller or nonexistent.
D) muscle weakness occurs.
E) All of these events occur.

E) All of these events occur.

The kidneys can alter extracellular fluid volume and osmolarity by
A) changing the amount of water excreted.
B) changing the amount of sodium excreted.
C) both of these
D) neither of these

C) both of these

As a result of respiratory alkalosis,
A) the kidneys conserve bicarbonate.
B) the tidal volume increases.
C) the body retains less carbon dioxide.
D) the respiratory rate increases.
E) the kidneys secrete less hydrogen ions.

C) the body retains less carbon dioxide.

Juxtaglomerular cells in the nephron secrete
A) angiotensinogen.
B) renin.
C) angiotensin I.
D) angiotensin converting enzyme.
E) aldosterone.

B) renin.

The enzyme renin is responsible for the activation of
A) erythropoietin.
B) atrial natriuretic peptide.
C) adrenaline.
D) angiotensin.
E) cortisol.

D) angiotensin.

When plasma water is lost but electrolytes are retained,
A) the osmolarity of the ECF falls.
B) both the ECF and the ICF become more dilute.
C) there is an increase in the volume of the ICF.
D) osmosis moves water from the ICF to the ECF.
E) all of the ab

D) osmosis moves water from the ICF to the ECF.

A mountain climber at high altitude may develop
A) respiratory alkalosis. (lower oxygen exists in high altitudes)
B) respiratory acidosis.
C) metabolic acidosis.
D) metabolic alkalosis.
E) none of the above

A) respiratory alkalosis. (lower oxygen exists in high altitudes)

ACE inhibitors
A) lower blood pressure.
B) block the conversion of angiotensin I to II.
C) reduce Na+ reabsorption and decrease extracellular fluid volume.
D) A and B
E) A, B and C

E) A, B and C

When the concentration of sodium ion in the ECF increases,
A) osmoreceptors are stimulated.
B) there is a decreased thirst.
C) ADH secretion decreases.
D) there is an increase in the volume of urine produced.
E) aldosterone secretion increases.

A) osmoreceptors are stimulated.

The hormone ADH
A) causes the kidneys to produce a large volume of urine.
B) is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in response to changes in blood osmolarity.
C) stimulates the kidneys to retain sodium ion.
D) stimulates water conservation at the ki

D) stimulates water conservation at the kidneys.

The hormone that controls water excretion by the kidneys is
A) aldosterone.
B) angiotensin.
E) epinephrine.


The hormone that controls water excretion by the kidneys is
A) aldosterone.
B) angiotensin.
E) epinephrine.