Respiratory Lab

what are the conducting zone structures?

nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles

what are the respiratory zone structures?

respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli

functions of respiratory system (5)

breathing, gas exchange, gas conditioning, sound production, olfaction

gas exchanged through 2 processes

external and internal respiration

gas exchange between lungs and blood

external respiration

gas exchange between blood and tissues

internal respiration

respiration controlled by (2)

pons and medulla

stimulus for breathing is a build up of (2) and not due to a decrease in

H+ and CO2; O2

zone that carries air

conducting zone

cleanses, humidifies and warms air

conducting zone

�Site that conducts air and allows it to pass in and out of the lungs.

conducting zone

site of gas exchange

respiratory zone

Site of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange with the blood.

respiratory zone

Respiratory bronchioles and the alveolar ducts are responsible for 10% of gas exchange in the

respiratory zone

upper respiratory tract structures (2) main

nose; pharynx

lower respiratory tract structures (4)

larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

group of air filled sacs spaces in frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid

paranasal sinuses

triangular shaped, opening closed off by epiglottis, contains vocal cords


guardian of the airway


Descends from the larynx and leads to primary bronchi


trachea is lined with

ciliated epithelium

Composed of C-rings to keep airway open


C rings are made of

hyaline cartilage

C rings allow for expansion when __


membrane that lines the organs

visceral pleura

membrane that lines the walls of the cavity

parietal pleura

2 phases of pulmonary ventilation

inspiration and expiration

air into lungs


air out of lungs


pulmonary ventilation Dependent upon ___ changes which lead to __ changes which lead to the follow of gases to equalize pressure

volume; pressure

muscles involved in inspiration

diaphragm and external intercostals

muscles involved in expiration

internal intercostals

1. __ & ___muscles contract

diaphragm; external intercostals

2. ___ cavity volume increases


3. Lungs are ___; intrapulmonary volume ___


4. Intrapulmonary pressure ___


5. Air (gases) flow into the lungs ___ its pressure gradient until intrapulmonary pressure is __

down; zero

1. Inspiratory muscles ___


2. Thoracic cavity volume ___


3. Elastic lungs recoil ___; intrapulmonary volume ____

passively; decreases

4. Intrapulmonary pressure ___


5. Air (gases) flows out of the lungs __ its pressure gradient until the intrapulmonary pressure is __

down; zero

neural centers that control respiratory rhythm

medulla and pons

normal respiration rate

12-18 breaths/min

4 factors that influence rate and depth of breathing

medulla, pons, physical, chemical

talking, yawning, coughing, exercise can modify the rate and depth of respiration


Ex. changes in oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood or fluctuations in blood pH.


hypocapnia: ___ CO2 ___ pH ___RR -- need more air

increased; lower; increased

hypercapnia: __ CO2 __ pH __ RR --need to calm down

decreased; increased; decreased

the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a forceful expiration

residual volume

the total volume of the lungs (VC + RV)

total lung capacity

the total amount of air remaining in the lungs after a normal quiet expiration (ERV +RV)

functional residual capacity

the total amount of air inhaled and exhaled at each breath during normal quiet breathing

tidal volume

the volume of air that can be forcefully inspired following a normal quiet inspiration

inspiratory reserve volume

the volume of air that can be forcefully expired following a normal quiet expiration

expiratory reserve volume

the max amount of air that can be exhaled after the fullest inspiration possible (TV + ERV + IRV)

vital capacity

the max amount of air that can be inhaled after a normal exhalation (TV + IRV)

inspiratory capacity

holding ones breath causes a build up in ___ (hypoventilation)


(hypo) When exhaling, there is a ___ amount of carbon dioxide causing a ___ change in pH due to increased Hydrogen ions and carbonic acid

greater; faster

(hyper) ___ breathing rate causes a decrease in carbon dioxide


(hyper) When exhaling, there is ___ carbon dioxide causing a ___ change in pH due to a decrease in hydrogen ion and carbonic acid

less; slower