Cardiopulmonary Chapter 2-Ventilation


process that moves gases between the external environment and the alveoli.
Downward contraction of diaphragm

Ventilation process

oxygen is carried from the atmosphere to the alveoli and CO2 is carried from the alveoli to the atmosphere

Atmospheric pressure

also barometric pressure is force exerted by air(gases) that surrounds the earth-and the body

760 mmHg

normal sea level barometric pressure

Pressure gradient

a gas or a liquid always moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. in order for gas to flow from one point to another there must be a pressure difference.


when atmospheric pressure is higher than intra-alveoli the air moves down the gas pressure gradient, gas moves from atmospheric to the alveoli


when the intra-alveolar pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure the air again moves down a pressure gradient, air flows from the alveoli to atmosphere.
diaphragm relaxes

Boyle's Law

volume of gas varies inversely proportional to its pressure at a constant temp
P1 X V1=P2 X V2

Boyle's Law Ventilation

thoracic cavity increases in size(volume) the pressure in the thoracic cavity decreases. This causes air to move down the pressure gradient from the atmosphere to the alveoli. When the thoracic cavity decreases in size(volume), the pressure increases. Thi

Equilibrium point

gas flow continues until the pressure in the lungs equals the pressure in the atmosphere. Once point is reached gas flow stops.

Diaphragm Inspiration

contracts downward

Diaphragm Expiration

relaxes and moves upward

Normal pressure

during normal conditions the intrapleural pressure during inspiration and expiratoin are always below the barometric pressure

1.5 cm

Normal breathing at rest the excursion of diaphragm...

3 to 6cmH2O (2 to 4mmHg)

normal breathing at rest, pleural pressure change

6 to 10cm

during deep inspiration, the diaphragm can move..


during deep inspiration pleural pressure can drop...


during forced expiration pleural pressure can reach...

Driving pressure

pressure difference between two points in a tube or a vessel. The force moving gas or fluid through a tube or vessel, if gas pressure at a beginning of a tube is 20mmHg and the pressure at the end of the same tube is 5mmHg, then the driving pressure is 15

Transrespiratory pressure

Is the difference between the barometric(atmospheric) pressure and the alveolar pressure. When the transrespiratory pressure is the pressure gradient difference between the mouth pressure (atmospheric pressure) and the alveolar pressure

Transairway pressure

transrespiratory pressure

Prs equation



transrespiratory pressure-causes airflow in and out of the conducting airways, it represents the driving pressure that forces gas in or out of the lungs

Transmural pressure

pressure difference that occurs across the airway wall. pressure outside the airway-pressure inside the airway

Positive transmural pressure

when pressure is greater within the airway than the pressure outside the airway

Negative transmural pressure

when the pressure is greater outside the airway than the pressure inside the airway

Transpulmonary pressure

difference between the alveolar pressure and the pleural pressure. in a normal lung the alveolar pressure is always greater than the pleural pressure and it maintains lungs in an inflated state

Transthoracic pressure

difference between the alveolar pressure and the body surface pressure. It is responsible for expanding the lungs and chest wall in tandem.

Flail chest

each time a patient nhales, the transpulmonary and transthoracic pressure gradients cause his broken ribs to sink inward/ causes inspiration volume to decrease. during exhalation ribs buldge outward


the movement of air back and forth between the lungs, resulting in increased dead space ventilation.

Chest wall

has the natural tendency to move outward or to expand as a result of the bones of the thorax and surrounding muscles

The Lungs

has the natural tendency to move inward or collapse because of the natural elastic properties of the lung tissue

Lung compliance

how readily the elastic force of the lungs accepts a volume of inspired air. Determines how much air, in liters, the lungs will accommodate for each centimeter of water pressure change


normal compliance, the lungs and the chest wall are equal at...

Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)

under normal conditions, the lungs and chest wall recoil to a resting volume.

Hooke's Law

when elastic body is acted by 1 unit of force the elastic body will stretch 1 unit of length. when force exceeds limits the substance will break


natural ability of matter to resond directly to force and to return to its original resting position or shape after external force no longer exists

tension pneumothorax

pressure during mechanical ventilation causes the lung unit to expand beyond its elastic capability the lung could rupture, allowing alveolar gas to move into the pleural space cause the lungs to collapse

Surface tension

Maintains shape of water droplet/ insects to stay afloat water


Surface tension measured

LaPlace's Law

The liquid film that lines the alveolus resembles bubble or sphere, high transpulmonary pressure must be generated to keep small alveoli open

Pulmonary surfactant

Keeps smaller alveoli from collapsing. It is stored in type two cells

Critical opening pressure

High pressure with little volume change required to overcome the liquid molecular force during the formation of a new bubble (similar to high pressure required to blow up new balloon)


complete alveolar collapse


study of forces in action

Airway resistance

pressure difference between the mouth and the alveoli (transrespiratory pressure) divided by blow rate. Change in pressure of change in volume


accurate way to measure blood volume


Is used mostly in neonatal/ used to treat PPHN


mixture is 70/30 or 80/20, oxygen and helium. use for severe asthmatics

Kinetic molecular theory

air molecules moving around it creates an energy/ cut in half its called collision, then your pressure goes up

Inspiration v/p

volume goes up-pressure goes down. Diaphragm moves down

Expiration v/p

volume goes down-pressure goes up. Diaphragm moves up causing less volume and more pressure

Laminar Flow

refers to a gas flow that is streamlines. Gas molecules move through the tube in a pattern parallel to the swides of the tube, this flow patern occurs at a low flow rate and low-pressure gradient

Turbulent Flow

refers to gas molecules that move through a tube in a random manner. Gas flow encounters resistance from both the sides of the tube and from the collision with other gas molecules. Occurs at high flow rates and high pressure gradient. Chaotic

Time Constant

product of airway resistance and lung compliance. Necessary to inflate a particular lung region to about 60% of its potential filling capacity.

Dynamic complicance

how readily a lung region fills with gas during a specific time period

Frequency dependent

faster ventilator rate, the smaller volume of air moved.

Tidal volume

volume of air that normally moves into and out of the lungs in one quiet breath

Alveolar ventilation

inspired air that reaches the alveoli

Dead space ventilation

inspired air that does not reach the alveoli

Types of Dead Space

anatomic, alveolar, and physiologic

Anatomic Dead Space

volume of gas in the conducting airways: nose, mouth, pharynx, layrnx, lower airways down but not the respiratory bronchioles.

1ml/lb (2.2ml/kg)

volume of anatomic dead space--IDBW
example-150lbs is 150ml of inspired gas would be anatomic dead space gas


complete absence of sponaneous ventilation. causes alveolar oxygen tension to rapidly decrease and the alveolar CO2 tension and arterial CO2 tension to increase. Death within minutes


normal, spontanous breathing

Biot's breathing

short episodes of rapid, uniformly deep inspirations followed by 10 to 30 seconds of apnea.
-first pattern was seen from patient suffering from meningitis


increased depth (volume) of breathing with or without an increased frequency


Increased alveolar ventilation (produced by any ventilatory pattern that causes an increase in either the ventilatory rate or the depth of breathing) that causes the PAco2 and Paco2 to decrease.


Decreased alveolar ventilation (produced by any ventilatory pattern that causes a decrease in either the ventilatory rate or the depth of breathing) that causes the PAco2 and Paco2 to increase.


A rapid rate of breathing

Cheyne-Stokes breathing

Ten to 30 seconds of apnea, followed by a gradula increase in the colume and frequency of breathing, followed by a gradual decrease in the volume of breathing until another period of apnea occurs. As the depth of breathing increases, the PAco2 and Paco2 f

Kussmaul's breathing

Both an increased depth (hyperpnea) and rate of breathing. This ventilatory pattern causes the PAco2 and Paco2 to decline and the PAo2 and Pao2 to increase. Is associated with diabetic acidosis (ketoacidosis)


A condition in which an individual is able to breathe most comfortably only in the upright position


Difficulty in breathing, of which the individual is aware