hyperinflation therapy (test 2; S2)

device that supplies positive pressure to the airways following a patient inspiratory effort


spontaneous ventilation - Boyle's law states that at a constant _________, pressure and volume are directly related


goals of IPPB therapy

promote an effective cough, mobilize secretions, improve distribution of ventilation, delivery of medication

indications for IPPB therapy

acute hypoventilation, chronic hypoventilation, weaning, atelectasis, clearance of secretions, acute respiratory distress, aerosol therapy, placebo effect

primary indication for IPPB

VC < 10 ml/kg

contraindications for IPPB

acute pneumothorax being managed without a chest tube, pneumothorax with a chest tube, history of a pneumothorax, sub-q or mediastinal emphysema, tracheoesophageal fistula, inadequate facilities, Bollous disease, cardiovascular insufficiency, availability

all contraindications for IPPB are _______


weakened out pouching of the alveoli

Bollous disease

an erosion between trachea and esophagus

treacheoesophageal fistula (T.E. fistula)

hazards of IPPB: pulmonary effects

hyperinflation and pulmonary edema

hyperinflation is in patients that are prone to ______

air trapping

hyperinflation causes ______ and _______ in the chest

dyspnea and discomfort

if your patient stops the IPPB treatment, begins coughing, then complains of chest pain and SOB, assess for a ___________


hyperinflation may cause pneamothorax or _______

weakened out pouching in the alveoli

very high pressures can lead to ______

pulmonary edema

hazards of IPPB therapy: circulatory effects

-decreased venous return
-physical disturbance of the heart
-changes in the fluid balance

decreased venous return is caused by

increased thoracic pressure

decreased venous return can cause what two things

hypotension and increased intracranial pressure

physical disturbance of the heart may be caused by

pressure or the medication being given and may include arrhythmias and coronary insufficiency

changes in the fluid balance: the patient may have increased fluid excretion or fluid retention causing ________

electrolyte imbalances

hazards of IPPB: gastrointestinal effects

-gastric insufflations (swallowing air)
-abdominal distention (from swallowing air)
-nausea, vomiting, and pulmonary aspiration

hazards of IPPB: effects on blood gases

-hypoventilation (if the pressures aren't set appropriately)
-hyperventilation (if the pressure is set too high or the oxygen level isn't set appropriately; if the patient is being over ventilated, they will experience dizziness, light headedness, and tin

hazards of IPPB: general side effects

-patient may become claustrophobic or distressed
-they may not relax and may fight the machine (this will increase the work of breathing and result in increased dyspnea, increased work of breathing and deterioration of blood gases and pulmonary functions)

hazards of IPPB: adverse side effects of medication - NEVER give a ______ IPPB (need medication in there, not just saline. Just saline will cause bronchospasm and will dry out mucosa)


effects of IPPB: increase Pao2 - how it works

-increases tidal volume, allowing greater surface area
-improves the ventilation of low compliance lung units
-we can provide supplemental oxygen while giving treatment

why not to use IPPB to increase Pao2

-simple oxygen administration with a cannula or mask may give the same level of oxygenation
-hyper-oxygenation may cause depression of the hypoxic drive to breathe in CO2 retainers
-the Fio2 cannot be accurately controlled
-increasing the Pao2 for a few m

normal TLC

6000 ml

normal VC

4800 ml

normal RV

1200 ml

normal IC

3600 ml

normal FRC

2400 ml

normal IRV

3100 ml

normal VT

500 ml

normal ERV

1200 ml

how IPPB decreases Paco2

-increases ventilation
-improves ventilation of low compliance
-decreases work of breathing

why not to use IPPB to decrease Paco2

-over ventilation can result in respiratory alkalosis
-simple methods involving deep breathing may be equally effective
-lowering the PaCO2 may not occur unless the tidal volume is increased

how IPPB improves clearance of secretions

-through ventilation of partially obstructed lung units
-loosening of adherent secretions
-stimulation of a cough
-delivery of aerosols and humidity

why not to use IPPB to improve clearance of secretions

-there are more simple methods that work adequately without IPPB
-loosened secretions may move distally and cause worsening of the ventilation/perfusion causing decreased Pao2
-IPPB and aerosol drugs may cause bronchorrhea
-IPPB with dry gas can cause dry

how IPPB prevents or treats atelectasis

-through ventilation of atelectatic units directly and through collateral circulation (Pores of Kohn and Isles of Lambert)
-loosening of secretions and stimulation of a cough
-allows increased tidal volume without pain in the post-op patient

why not to use IPPB to prevent or treat atelectasis

-other more simple methods are as good or better
-bronchoscopy may be more reliable if the atelectasis is due to a foreign body or mucus plug
-physical therapy with percussion and postural drainage may be more successful
-IPPB may result in post-op gastri

how IPPB works in the delivery of aerosolized drugs

-increasing the tidal volume and distributing the aerosol distally
-IPPB devices produce optimal airway particles
-a treatment for 10-20 minutes gives time for airway improvement, allowing increasingly more effective drug delivery

why not to use IPPB for delivery of aeroslized drugs

-a simple device may be just as effective and more tolerable if the patient is dyspnic
-IPPB can be wasteful of drugs, resulting in imprecise dosage

how IPPB works in the treatment of pulmonary edema

-IPPB decreases venous return
-positive pressure may push fluid back into the pulmonary capillaries or lymphatics
-increased tidal volume improves oxygenation resulting in better cardiac activity
-a decreased or slowed breathing pattern is m ore efficient

why not to use IPPB to treat pulmonary edema

-diuretics, oxygen, morphine, and cardiac drugs are more effective
-dyspnic patients may not be able to tolerate IPPB
-IPPB is not as effective as PEEP (positve end expiratory pressure) or CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)
-IPPB may cause hypoten

how IPPB works to decrease work of breathing

-the lungs are inflated passively
-opening of obstructed airways improves gas flow

why not to use IPPB to decrease work of breathing

-if the patient does not relax, work of breathing is not decreased
-if the patient resists therapy, work of breathing is increased
-if cardiovascular side effects occur, work of the heart will be increased
-IPPB can induce coughing which can increase work

how IPPB works in improvement of pulmonary function tests

-the patient has improved blood gases
-mechanical decrease in airway resistance
-therapy utilizes bronchodilators

why not to use IPPB for improvement of pulmonary function tests

-there is no measurable improvement above what can be done with a more simple therapy
-no long-term improvements are produced in chronic, stable obstructive patients
-loosening of secretions may impact distally

evaluation of IPPB therapy

volume oriented treatment, chest auscultation, pulse, blood pressure, peak flow, sputum production, CXR, cough effectiveness, patient cooperation, patient's subjective comments, blood gas trends

evaluation of IPPB therapy: volume oriented treatment - volume delivered should be ______ ml/kg measured with a wright respirometer


evaluation of IPPB therapy: chest auscultation, we want to see

-decrease in crackles
-decrease in rhonchi
-decrease in wheeze (could be from clearing of secretions or delivery of a bronchodilator)

evaluation of IPPB therapy: pulse

should improve if their oxygenation improves and work of breathing has decreased

evaluation of IPPB therapy: blood pressure

should come down if oxygenation has improved and work of breathing has improved

evaluation of IPPB therapy: peak flow

measurements should increase

evaluation of IPPB therapy: sputum production

should be enhanced by the IPPB from bronchodilator delivery and delivery of deep breaths

evaluation of IPPB therapy: CXR

should show improved aeration and decreased atelectasis

evaluation of IPPB therapy: cough effectiveness

should improve through increased volume and bronchodilation

evaluation of IPPB therapy: blood gas trends

should improve, sometimes they are only intermittent

goals of IS

-to prevent or treat atelectasis
-this is done by having patient inhale a near normal inspiratory capacity
-it is even more beneficial if the patient can hold to inspiratory capacity for several seconds

determining the need for IS vs. IPPB: if the IC is >80% no treatment is needed unless there is clinical evidence of _________

atelectasis (one of the first signs is a slight fever)

determining the need for IS vs. IPPB: if the final IC is at least 33% of the pre-op value or the VC is at least 10 ml/kg, ______ is indicated

incentive spirometry

determining the need for IS vs. IPPB: if the IC is <33% of the pre-op or the VC is <10 ml/kg, ______ is indicated


incentive spirometry: the initial goal is set to the initial inspiratory capacity goal at twice the ______

tidal volume

want to increase the incentive spirometry goal in _____ ml increments as the patient can tolerate it


incentive spirometry: the final inspiratory capacity goal should be ____ ml/kg of ideal body weight


a normal person should have an inspiratory capacity of about _____% of their FVC


want to consider increasing the IS goal if the patient...

is easily able to reach their set goal or if the patient's breath sounds are diminished in the bases

might want to consider decreasing the IS goal if the patient...

cannot reach the set goal because it is too large or if the patient is frustrated and discouraged at the inability to reach goal or if excessive surgical site pain prevents the patient from reaching goal

definition of PEP therapy

used with spontaneous breathing patient to create expiratory pressures between 10-20 cmH2O by changing the size of the expiratory hole they are breathing out of

goal of PEP therapy

-to splint the airways open
-reduce air trapping
-prevent or reduce atelectasis
-help mobilize retained secretions
-maximize delivery of aerosolized bronchodilators (will see this one the most)

indications for PEP therapy

-air trapping due to small airways disease
-atelectasis or the risk of atelectasis

hazards of PEP therapy

-pulmonary barotraumas (pneumothorax, sub-q emphysema, mediastinal emphysema)
-increased intracranial pressure
-myocardial ischemia from decreased venous return
-increased work of breathing
-air swallowing that can lead to vomiting

contraindications from PEP therapy

-untreated pneumothorax
-intracranial pressure > 20
-active hemoptysis
-recent trauma or surgery to the skull, face, mouth, or esophagus
-patient having asthma attack
-acute sinusitis or epistaxis
-tympanic membrane rupture

the goal of PEP therapy is to maintain a positive expiratory pressure of ____ with an I:E ration of 1:3


during the PEP therapy treatment watch for

dyspnea, pain, chest discomfort, and monitor breath sounds, BP, pulse ox, and skin color

PEP therapy in the conscience patient: have them sit upright, rest their elbows on the table, hold the mask or mouth piece, inhale deeper than normal but not to TLC, exhale fast enough to register ____ cmH2O


for an acute patient PEP should be done...

every hour for 10-20 minutes, 10 breaths at a time, followed by a huff/hawk cough (moderate breath in and then 3 short burst out)

for someone who you are trying to strengthen and build up their muscles and prevent or reverse atelectasis do PEP therapy...

every 6 hours for 10-20 minutes

in _______ ______, inspiration is active and expiration is passive

spontaneous breathing

in _______ ______ inspiration and expiration are passive

IPPB ventilation