Egans Chapter 41


Pressure above atmospheric remaining in the alveoli at end exhalation due to air trapping AKA intrinsic PEEP


Physical injury sustained as a result of exposure to ambient pressures above normal, most commonly secondary to positive pressure ventilation (e.g. pneumothorax, pneumo mediastinum)

Dynamic Hyperinflation

Increase in functional residual capacity (FRC) above the elastic equilibrium volume of the respiratory system; causes include increased flow resistance, short inspiratory time, and increased post inspiratory muscle activity

High Frequency Ventilation

Ventilatory support provided at rates significantly higher than normal breathing frequencies

Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure (Type 2)

Inability to maintain normal removal of CO? from the tissues; may be indicated by PaCO? greater than 50 mm Hg in an otherwise healthy individual

Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure (Type 1)

Inability to maintain normal oxygenation in the arterial blood

Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP)

Measurement of the output of the expiratory muscles against a maximum stimulus, measured in cm H?O positive pressure

Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP)

Measure of the output of the inspiratory muscles against a maximum stimulus, measured in cm H?O negative pressure

Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV)

Maximum volume of air in L/min that a subject can breathe during a 12 to 15 second period. It is a very patient dependent test.

Muscle Fatigue

Condition involving loss of the capacity to develop force or velocity of a muscle resulting from muscle activity overload, which is reversible by rest.

Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV)

Mechanical ventilation without endotracheal intubation of tracheotomy, usually via a form fitting mask

Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)

Application and maintenance of pressure above atmospheric at the airway throughout the expiratory phase of positive pressure mechanical ventilation

Pressure Control Ventilation

Mode of ventilatory support in which mandatory support breaths are delivered to the patient at a set inspiratory pressure

Respiratory Alternans

Alternating between use of the diaphragm for short periods and use of the accessory muscles to breathe; indicative of end stage respiratory muscle fatigue

Tension Time Index

Product of contractile force (ratio of diaphragmatic pressure to maximum diaphragmatic pressure) and contractile duration (ratio of inspiratory time to total breathing cycle time) used to indicate a level of contraction associated with fatigue

Work of Breathing

Amount of force needed to move a given volume into the lung with a relaxed chest wall

Respiratory Failure

Inability to maintain either the normal delivery of oxygen to the tissues or the normal removal of carbon dioxide from the tissues and often results from an imbalance between respiratory workload and ventilatory strength of endurance

Respiratory Failure is defined as (#'s)

Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO?) less than 60 mm Hg
Alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO?) greater than 50 mm Hg

Hypoxemic (Type 1) Respiratory Failure

Occurs when the primary problem is inadequate oxygen delivery

Hypercapnic (Type 2) Respiratory Failure

Describes "bellows failure" of the lungs resulting in elevated CO? levels

Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure is also known as

Ventilatory Failure

What is the term for Respiratory Failure due to inadequate ventilation

Hypercapnic (Type 2) Respiratory Failure

What are the primary causes of hypoxemia

Ventilation/Perfusion mismatch
Alveolar hypoventilation
Diffusion impairment
Perfusion/diffusion impairment
Decreased inspired oxygen
Venous admixture

What is the most common cause of hypoxemia

Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch

Pathologic V/Q mismatch occurs when

Disease disrupts the balance, and hypoxemia results

What are the causes of V/Q mismatch

Obstructive Lung diseases
Mucous Plugging
Premature airway closure that signal asthmatic or emphysematous exacerbations
Heart Failure
Inhalation injury may lead to partially collapsed or fluid filled alveoli

What is the clinical presentation of a patient with V/Q mismatch

Hypoxemia commonly manifests with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea, use of accessory muscles, nasal flaring, lower extremity edema, peripheral or central cyanosis

Severe hypoxemia can lead to

Significant central nervous system dysfunction, ranging from irritability to confusion to coma

Bilateral wheezing especially any young patients in respiratory distress often identifies

The bronchospasm of asthma

Upper airway disease or fluid filled airways may also result in


Breath sounds that are diminished bilaterally are common in


Wheezing in one lung may identify

Endobronchial lesion

Absence of breath sounds on one side of the chest may reveal

Collapse, infection, edema, or effusion as potential causes of the Q mismatch

Radiographically, V/Q mismatch can manifest as a _____________ radiograph, with large or hyper inflated lungs as in the case of obstructive disease


A __________ chest radiograph is evident when alveoli are partially occluded


A shunt does not respond to supplemental oxygen

TRUE, because the gas exchange unit (the alveolus) is not open

V/Q mismatch does not respond to supplemental oxygen

FALSE, V/Q mismatch responds to supplemental oxygen

What is a Shunt

An extreme version of V/Q mismatch in which there is no ventilation to match perfusion

About 2% to 3% of the blood supply is shunted via

The bronchial and thebesian veins that feed the lungs and heart; this is a normal anatomic shunt

Pathologic anatomic shunt occurs as a result of

Right to left blood flow through cardiac openings (artial or ventricular septal defects) or in pulmonary arteriovenous malformations

Physiologic shunt leads to hypoxemia when

Alveoli collapse or are filled with fluid or exudate

The causes of physiologic shunting

Pulmonary edema

Clinical Presentation of Shunt

Similar to V/Q mismatch
Bilateral of unilateral crackles

Shunt usually manifests with a _________ chest x ray


V/Q mismatch usually manifests with a ______ chest x ray


Shunting can be diagnosed by

Using 100% oxygen breathing techniques
Contrast enhanced echocardiography
Macro aggregated albumin scanning
Pulmonary angiography

Shunt is differentiated from V/Q mismatch by

The lack of increase in PO? as FiO? is increased


The movement of gas across the alveolar capillary membrane secondary to a pressure gradient

Does diffusion impairment become more pronounced at rest or during exercise

During exercise because it limits the time for gas exchange

Diffusion impairment is commonly found in patients with what diseases

Patients with interstitial lung disease
Pulmonary fibrosis
The thickening and scarring of the interstitium undermine normal gas exchange
Pulmonary vascular abnormalities like anemia, pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary em

Clinical Presentation of Diffusion Impairment

Signs and Symptoms are related to the specific disease
Interstitial lung disease may be the diagnosis of a dyspneic patient with a dry cough and fine basilar crackles
Digital clubbing
Joint abnormalities
Raynaud disease

Pulmonary Hypertension may manifest with signs of

Right sided heart failure such as edema, jugular venous distention, and a louder pulmonary component of the second heart sound

Perfusion/Diffusion Impairment

A rare cause of hypoxemia found in individuals with liver disease complicated by hepatopulmonary syndrome

Perfusion/Diffusion Impairment

Right to left intra cardiac shunt combines with dilated pulmonary capillaries resulting in impaired gas exchange

What can be used to over come Perfusion/Diffusion Impairment

Significant supplemental oxygen the gas transfer reduction

Clinical presentation of Perfusion/Diffusion Impairment

Obvious signs of liver disease
Digital clubbing

Decreased Inspired Oxygen

Clinically uncommon, hypoxemia may develop when the inspired oxygen is less than body requirements

What is the most common situation for decreased inspired oxygen

High altitude

What is the clinical presentation of decreased inspired oxygen

The signs are symptoms of hypoxemia may be present, with the cause clearly related to the patient environment
such as altitude

What is the treatment for decreased inspired oxygen

Supplemental oxygen

Venous Admixture

A decrease in mixed venous oxygen increase the gradient by which oxygen needs to be stepped up as it passes through the lungs

What is the most common cause of lox mixed venous oxygen, owing to increased peripheral extraction of oxygen

Congestive heart failure with low cardiac output

What are the three main causes of Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

V/Q mismatch

How does hypoventilation differ from other causes of Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

Manifesting with a normal alveolar to arterial PO? difference

Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure (type 2)

An elevated PaCO?, creating an uncompensated respiratory acidosis (Weather acute or acute on chronic)

Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure (type 2) is also known as

Pump failure or ventilatory failure

Are PaCO? and alveolar ventilation directly or inversely related


What causes hypercapnic respiratory failure do to a decreased ventilatory drive

Drug overdose or sedation
Bilateral carotid endarterectomy with incidental resection of the carotid bodies
Brainstem lesions
Disease of the CNS such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinsons
Morbid obesity (obesity hypoventilation)
Sleep apnea

What diseases cause muscle weakness/fatigue

Guillain Barre Syndrome
Myasthenia gravis

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Lower extremity weakness progressing to the respiratory muscles in one third of patients (Ascending)

What disease are associated with Hypercapnic respiratory failure

Upper airway obstruction
Obesity hypoventilation
Severe burns
Chest wall disorders (khyphoscoliosis)
Ankylosing spondylitis

Chronic and acute hypercapnic respiratory failure can be differentiated by the severity of change in


Acute Hypercapnic Failure

pH decreases 0.08 for every 10 mm Hg increase in PaCO?

Chronic Hypercapnic Failure

pH decreases 0.03 of every 10 mm Hg in PaCO?

What are the most commonly used tests to assess respiratory muscle strength at the bedside

Maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP)
Maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)
Forced Vital Capacity
Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV)

MIP of _________ cm H?O or less (more negative) usually indicates adequate respiratory muscle strength to continue spontaneous breathing


Contractile Muscle fatigue

A reversible impairment in the contractile response to a neural impulse in an overloaded muscle

Central muscle fatigue

An exertion induced, reversible decrease in central respiratory drive

Transmission muscle fatigue

An exertion induced, reversible impairment in the transmission of neural impulses

Respiratory muscle weakness

The decreased capacity of a rested muscle to generate force and decreased endurance

Respiratory muscle weakness occurs most commonly in patients with

Neuromuscular disease


A condition in which there is loss of the capacity to develop force or velocity of a muscle resulting from muscle activity under load, which is reversible by rest

When does fatigue occur

Work of breathing
decreased inspiratory muscle efficiency
Poor nutrition
inability of a muscle to extract energy from supplied substrates