Respiratory System Multiple Choice

Air moves into the lungs because:

the gas pressure in the lungs becomes lower than the outside pressure as the diaphragm contracts.

Alveolar ventilation rate is:

the movement of air into and out of the alveoli during a particular time.
AVR = Breaths per minute � (TV - Dead space)

Hemoglobin has a tendency to release oxygen where:

pH is more acidic.

In the alveoli, the partial pressure of oxygen is

about 104 mmHg.

Most of the carbon dioxide transported by the blood is:

converted to bicarbonate ions and transported in plasma.

The elastic cartilage that shields the opening to the larynx during swallowing is the:


The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called:

pulmonary ventilation.

This tissue lines the trachea.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Which respiratory measurement is normally the greatest?

Vital capacity

Which respiratory structure has the smallest diameter?


Involuntary hyperventilation during an anxiety attack can cause the person to become faint because of:

lowered CO2 levels in the blood and consequent constriction of cerebral blood vessels

Which gas has no effect in the blood until hyperbaric conditions occur (as in SCUBA diving when one stays down too long at great depths), when a condition called ""rapture of the deep"" occurs, producing a narcotic-like effect, as this gas interacts with


Which term describes the increase in depth and force of breathing that occurs during vigorous exercise?


Approximately 20% of carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as:


What controls the respiratory rate?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the conducting zone?

Gas exchange

Which of the following statements about voice production is INCORRECT?

Loudness of voice depends on the size of the vocal cords.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the trachealis muscle?

It prevents the trachea from collapsing and keeps it patent, despite the pressure changes that take place during breathing.

An example of an enzyme located in the lung capillary membrane that acts on material in the blood is:

angiotensin converting enzyme.

______________ pressure keeps the air spaces in the lung open.


Which of the following conditions would NOT cause atelectasis?


Airway resistance is insignificant in relationship to gas flow because:

the airways branch more as they get smaller, resulting in a huge total cross-sectional area.

The transpulmonary pressure is the difference between the ____________ and the __________ pressure.

The transpulmonary pressure is the difference between the intrapulmonary and the intrapleural pressure.

Which of the following conditions would NOT decrease the total respiratory compliance?

Increase in lung compliance

Which non-respiratory movements would ventilate all of the alveoli?


All of the following would be caused by breathing excessively high concentrations of oxygen for a long period of time, except:
a) oxygen toxicity.
b) production of huge amounts of free radicals.
c) increased mental function.
d) coma

Increased mental function

Which non-respiratory movements is caused by irritation of the diaphragm?


The dorsal respiratory group:

is located dorsally at the root of cranial nerve IX.

The pontine respiratory group is responsible for all of the following functions, except:
a) causing apneustic breathing if it is damaged.
b) regulating and modifying the activity of the medullary neurons.
c) smoothing out the transition from inspiration t

stimulating the contraction of the diaphragm.

Which of the following would not be found in a "blue bloater"?

Weight loss

Which of the following is not involved in respiration?
Internal respiration
External ventilation
External respiration
Pulmonary ventilation

External ventilation

What are the hairs within the nasal cavity that filter coarse particles, such as pollen and dust, from inspired air?


____________ is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa accompanied by excessive mucus production, nasal congestion, and postnasal drip.


Lists the regions of the pharynx, from superior to inferior?

Nasopharynx; Oropharynx; Laryngopharynx

The _________________ is covered by a mucosa containing taste buds, and keeps food out of the lower respiratory passages.


The _______ are the site of gas exchange within the lungs.


The ___________ is the elastic connective tissue found within the lungs.


________, or lung collapse, is a homeostatic imbalance that occurs when a bronchiole becomes plugged.


What occurs during infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)?

The baby is unable to keep his or her alveoli inflated between breaths.

Which form of hypoxia occurs when body cells are unable to use O2 even though adequate amounts are delivered? (This type of hypoxia is usually the consequence of metabolic poisons, such as cyanide.)

Histotoxic hypoxia

Which form of CO2 transport accounts for the greatest amount of CO2 transported in blood?

As bicarbonate ions in plasma

The increase in ventilation in response to metabolic needs is called ___________.
