Chapter 34- Lewis Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome

Steps of CAD?

1. Fatty Streak caused by LDLs
2. Fibrous plack and endothelial damage (Calcium from smooth muscles)
3. LDLs and platelet growth factor causes the arterial wall to thicken

What is nocturnal angina?

occurs only at night but not necessarily when the person is in the recumbent position or during sleep

What is angina decubitus?

chest pain that occurs only while the person is lying down and is usually relieved by standing or sitting

What is silent ischemia?

refers to ischemia that occurs during the absence of any subjective symptoms

What is prinzmetal's angina?

Variant angina often occurs at rest usually in response to spasm of a major coronary artery.

What is a rare form of angina frequently seen in patients with a history of headaches and what?

Raynaud's phenomen

When a spasm in prinzmetal's angina what happens when the spasm occurs?

experiences angina and transient ST segment elevation

When does the pain occur in prinzmetal's angina?

during REM sleep when myocardial oxygen consumption occurs

Cyclic, short bursts of pain at a usual time each day may occur with what type of angina?

prinzmetal's angina

What is given to control prinzmetal's angina?

Calcium Channel Blockers and or nitrates

What is your first line defense therapy for Chronic Stable angina? (when you go to mow the lawn)

Short acting nitro

What do short acting nitro do?

increase flow by dilating

What happens when we dilate the arteries with short acting nitro?

Decrease resistance, preload, and decreases oxygen demand

What are examples of short acting nitrates?

Sublingual and Spray-- onset time is 1-3 minutes and last 30-40 minutes. One spray and one tab is one dose. Wait 5 minutes in-between and up to 3 times

How long does short acting nitro last?

6 months, if it tingles it is still good

Side effect of all nitrates?

dizziness, flushing, ortho hypotension, headache

What are long acting nitrates?

used prophylactically (patch and ointment)

What do you want to take with nitrates?


Patients must be scheduled 8 hours of off time for what med?

10-14 hours on for long acting nitrates

Topical nitrates are used for what problems?

Nocturnal angina

Transdermal controlled release patch?

therapeutic level achieved in 2 hours
lasts 24 hours

What are the two types of transdermal patches?

resevior- if popped it gets dose dumping- orthostatic hypotension
matrix- slow med delivery through polymere matrix

Nitro drug alert?

DON'T TAKE With erectile dysfunction drugs

What do you monitor in nitro?

heart rate below 60
systolic bp below 100

Side effects of beta blockers

dont stop abruptly
broncho spasms

beta blockers mask what problem in diabetic pts?

tachycardia that is due to hypoglycemia

Calcium channel blockers do what?

substitute for beta blockers-- relax smooth muscles in the heart, by blocking calcium that would normally stiffen it

What do you use with prinzmetals angina?

calcium channel blockers

What is the risk with calcium channel blockers?

digoxin- s/s of toxicity is a irregular pulse (tachycardia)

what are ACE inhibitors?

angiotension 1 to angiotension2

Where is angiotension located?

kidneys release renin-- angiot 1 goes to the lungs where ace is at to be changed to 2.
LUNGS-- dry hacking cough

Arbs dont let angiotension 2 bind to sites so when do I use this?

if interrelated to ace- due to dry cough

If we are decreasing blood volume and pressure, what do we look for?

orthostatic hypotension

What is the last resort medicine?

sodium current inhibitors

Chronic stable angina DX

Cardiac Catherization