ATI test Med Surg

Cholinergic Crisis

The client presents with increased muscle weakness and twitching due to administration of tensilon

Stage II Lime Disease

Is characterized by joint pain as well as cardiac and neurological complications. If left untreated it may become chronic and lead to arthritis and peripheral neuropathy.

Correct sequence to respond with a Epi-Pen

1. Inject the pen
2.Remove the stinger
3. Clean with soapy water
4. Apply Ice
5. Get medical help

Adverse effect of Radiation therapy for laryngeal cancer.

Difficulty swallowing (it indicates a swelling of the esophageal tissue and may lead to malnutrition.)

A Possible intervention to Prevent Dumping syndrome post surgery.

Lie in supine position after meals (this will help food to move slower through the intestinal tract)

A decrease in Urine output

This may indicate a change in hepatic function and should be reported to the provider.

Subclavian insertion site for a client for 3-4 weeks.

directly below the clavicle with a triple lumen catheter.

What is the priority assessment for a client with a spinal injury

Peripheral reflex and sensation changes. (The greatest risk to the client is neurological damage and this would manifest )

Priority assessment for a client with status epilepticus having a seizure.

Level of oxygenation. Using the ABCs

Intervention for a client having a tonic-clonic seizure who has become cyanotic

Turn them onto their side. This will provide a patent airway.

Highest priority in a casted patient

Decreased blood flow past the casted area (may be manifested by decreased pulse pressure)

First priority for a client with a fever cough and sweating

Initiate airborne precautions

Priority intervention post any type of transplant

Provide immunosuppressive agents

Post TB treatment instructions

After three negative sputum cultures the client is considered non-infectious.

Teaching for IBS

Increase daily intake of fiber because it helps produce bulky soft stools and establish patterns of bowel relief.

Placement of leads for ECG

Flat surfaces on extremities.

Assessment for a client receiving Heparin

Petechiae (

Teaching for client with a hearing aid

Background noises are often a challenging and will require some adjustment

Teaching for clients with arthritis

Consistency of exercise schedule is important.

Possible complication post Eye surgery

Moderate pain and vomiting (this may represent intraocular pressure or hemorrhage)

Possible complication of a TERP surgery

The client has red colored urine with occasional clots (this could represent arterial bleeding)

A sign of digoxin toxicity

Visual disturbances

Important to report about IV insertion site

Swelling (this could mean infiltration or leakage at the insertion site.)

Adverse side effect of Mannitol

Headache (notify the physician immediately)

This assessment finding signifies Hemolytic transfusion reaction.

low back pain and apprehension.

Ibuprofen common side effect

GI bleending

Acetylcisteine (Mucomyst)

This drug is used to thin secretions in the pulmonary making it easier for the client to cough up stuff.

Common side effect of iron supplement

Constipation (recommend an increase in dietary fiber for this client.)

Placement of client for insertion of subclavian IV catheter.

Trendelenburg position.

A finding of Tension Pneumothorax

Chest asymmetry.

In diabetic keytone acidosis

The blood glucose level is above 300

Nursing intervention post Thyroidectomy

Provide humidified oxygen (this promotes easier breathing and can relieve some muscle and nerve distress)

Treatment for biliary Colic ( spasms)

Anticholinergics. (these are muscle relaxers and will relieve spasms)

This is a positive response to HIV treatment

a decrease in viral load

Proprnolol Hydrochloride is a beta Blocker

non-selective beta blockers cause broncho-constriction especially in clients who have a pre-existing respiratory disorder

High priority for a client that had a left sided CVA

Monitor the clients gag reflex

Burn victim priority assessment

Glasgaow coma scal of 9 that may represent a systemic infection

when assessing a client with a rash you should

first ask what medications they are taking (to check for any allergic reactions to meds)

renal failure puts you at risk for

Digoxin toxicity.

Malignant Hyperthermia is manifested by

a rapid heart rate

Priority finding in a patient with Hyperthyroidism

a blood pressure above 170 mm Hg (This signifies a thyroid storm)

The anticoagulant in heparin

presents a risk of bleeding

Abnormal finding post hemodialysis

Decreased LOC

Intervention for Left Sided Heart Failure

Auscultate the lungs. (pulmonary edema is a clinical manifestation of Left sided heart failure)

What should you do to prevent irritation of the skin around an illeostomy

Instruct the client to use a skin barrier to prevent skin breakdown

This is an adverse effect of Furosemide

A depletion of sodium below 135

These signs are idicative of Increased intracranial pressure

Papilledema, Cushings trian, slurred speech, and Decorticate Posturing

Viagra is a vaso-dialator

So it should not be used with other vaso-dialators or there is a risk of hypotension

This is a poor finding in a patient being treated for heart failure

Weight gain

Finding that the Pneumothorax chest tube is fuctioning properly

the water level is fluctuating in the chamber (the water should rise and fall with the clients breaths)

Priority intervention for a client post operative with an evisceration.

Apply a sterile saline soaked towel to protect the innards

What client history requires a nurse to interven for a client that needs a CT scan with Iodine

A shellfish allergy

One of the first signs of hemorrhage is

an increased heart rate

Medications that are time released

should not be opened

Puffs with a prednisone inhaler

should be spaced 1 minute apart

In Bucks Traction

the weights should always hang freely

Sequential treatment for a client that has Hemorrhagic Shock

1.Administer oxygen
2.Initiate IV Therapy
3.Insert NG tube
4.Administer rantadine

When a pulse oximeter provides you with an abnormal reading what is the first intervention

check the pulse oximeter and take it again

When administering medication IM and you aspirate blood you should

dispose of the medication and start over at a new site

How do you verify the placement of an NG tube that was inserted a week ago

Check the PH of the aspirated fluid

Non-Pharmacological intervention for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Alternately apply heat and cold to the affective joints.

A hemoglobin blood test is conducted to check

the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood

When presented with a bacterial infection who should you room the client with

with someone with a similar infection (Ex. Acid-fast bacilli and tuberculosis)

Common side effects of Morphine are

Nausea and vomiting (so the nurse should be prepared to administer an antiemetic)

How do JP drains work

they are compressed and create negative pressure to remove fluid from drain sites

During peritoneal dialysis what is an appropriate intervention if the fluid is draining to slow

turn the patient on their side

it is standard to stay with a client for the first 30 min of a RBC transfusion because

most transfusion reactions happen during this time and during the first 50-100ml of blood product

What should be done to prevent injury to the pharnageal mucosa during suctioning

suction intermittently when removing the suction catheter

What should you do for a client using mechanical ventilation and is anxious and restless

tell them to let the machine breathe for you

To prevent infection while administering TPN via IV

the nurse should place an occlusive dressing over the insertion site

Low prealbumin places the client at risk for what

skin breakdown (normal prealbumin 23-43)

Proper teaching for a client with an ICD (defibrilator)

Notify all care providers

Positive result of an albuterol nebulizer

an increase in SaO2 above 92%

Ibuprofen is an anticoagulant

and should be reported to the surgeon before any operations

Lack of consciousness

indicates that a client is unstable and requires defirilation

When should a nurse stop suctioning an endotracheal tube

when the clients pulse rate drops (this means you are stimulating the vagal nerve)

A good intervention for heat stroke is

placement of a cooling blanket

During chemotherapy it is important to monitor

the stools for blood because this can be a sign of bone marrow suppression and thrombocytopenia

An increase in external catheter length means

that the catheter has become dislodged.

Shingles patients should be isolated becuase

they are an airborne pathogen

When a patient has a history of seizures it is important to

keep a patent IV access in case the client needs to be administered Seizure halting medications

When should metformin be taken

in the evening with meals PO to slow the release of the medication.

a bad indication of the placement of a nephrostomy tube is

back pain (it signifies dislodgement or a clogged tube)

What should a patient with a cast report to a physician

pain not relieved by analgesics (this could signify compartment syndrome