Social psychology - social cognition Ch 3

How people think about themselves and the social world, or more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember and use social information to make judgments and decisions.

social cognition

Thinking that is nonconscious, unintentional, involuntary and effortless.

automatic thinking

Automatic thinking is: 1) _______, 2) unintentional, 3) involuntary and 4) effortless.


Automatic thinking is: 1) nonconscious, 2) _______, 3) involuntary and 4) effortless.


Automatic thinking is: 1) nonconscious, 2) unintentional, 3) _______ and 4) effortless.


Automatic thinking is: 1) nonconscious, 2) unintentional, 3) involuntary and 4) _______.


Mental structures people use to organize their knowledge about the social world around themes or subjects and that influence the information people notice, think about, and remember.


The extent to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of people's minds and are therefore likely to be sued when making judgments about the social world.


The process by which recent experiences increase the accessibility of a schema, trait or concept.


The case whereby people have an expectation about what another person is like, which influences how they act toward that person, which causes that person to behave consistently with people's original expectations, making the expectations come true.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Self-fulfilling prophecy is an example of _________

automatic thinking

In job interviews, self-fulfilling prophecies are most likely to occur when interviewers are ___________ to the person they are interviewing.

not paying careful attention

Mental shortcuts people use to make judgments quickly and efficiently.

judgmental heuristics

A mental rule of thumb whereby people base a judgment on the ease with which they can bring something to mind.

availability heuristic

A mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case.

reprentativeness heuristic

Information about the frequency of members of different categories in the population.

base rate information

A type of thinking in which people focus on the properties of objects without considering their surrounding context; this type of thinking is common in Western cultures.

analytic thinking style

A type of thinking in which people focus on the overall context, particularly the ways in which objects relate to each other; this type of thinking is common in East Asian cultures (e.g., China, Japan, Korea).

holistic thinking style

Thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary, and effortful.

controlled thinking

Controlled thinking is 1) ______, 2) intentional, 3) voluntary, and 4) effortful.


Controlled thinking is 1) conscious, 2) ______, 3) voluntary, and 4) effortful.


Controlled thinking is 1) conscious, 2) intentional, 3) ______, and 4) effortful.


Controlled thinking is 1) conscious, 2) intentional, 3) voluntary, and 4) ______.


Mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been.

counterfactual thinking

The attempt to avoid thinking about something we would prefer to forget.

thought suppression

The fact that people usually have too much confidence in the accuracy of their judgments.

overconfidence barrier