Chapter 6: Perception

this philosopher first proposed that we percieve objects through the sense, with the mind


our tendency to focus at any moment on only a limited aspect of all that we are capable of experiencing is called

selective attention

the selective attention effect is illustrated using a figure called the ____ cube


an example of selective attention (limited focus) is the ______ - the ability to attend selectively to only one voice among many others

cocktail party effect

after a brief visual interruption, we fail to notice a change in the environment

inattentional blindness

two forms of the inattentional blindness are

change blindness and deafness

illusions reveal the ways we normally ___ and ____ our sensations

organize and interpret

the tendency of vision to dominate the other senses is referred to as

visual capture

in a contest between hearing and touch, ___ dominates


according to the ___ school of psychology, we tend to organize a cluster of sensations into a ___ or form

gestalt, whole

our tendency to percieve complete forms involves sensory analysis of ____ ___ processing of stimulus

bottom up

our perception also relies heavily on ___ ___ processing which uses our experience and expectations to interprety sensations

top down

the distinciton between sensation and perception in terms of bottom up and top down processing is still


when we view a scene, we see the central object ___ as distinct from the surrounding stimuli, or ___

figure, ground

proximity, similarity, closure, continuity and connectedness are example of gestalt rules of


the principle hat we organize stimuli into smooth and continuous patterns is called


the priniciple that we fill in gaps to creat a complete whole object is called


the gouping of items that look alike is te principle of


the tendency to perceive uniform or attached time sas a single unit is the principle of


the ability to see objects in three dimensions despite their two dimensional representations on our retinas is call

depth perception

depth perception enables us estimate


gibson and walk developed the

visual cliff

the visual cliff test ___ ___ in infants

depth perception

by ___ months, infants demonstrate they are using Gestalt principles (evident in the visual cliff experiment)


any cue that requires both eyes

binocular cues

the greater the difference between the images recieved by two eyes the nearer the object

retinal disparity

3D movies simulate this cue

retinal disparity

our perceptions are a construction of our ___


the more our eyes fous inward when we view an object, the nearer the object ___


any cue that requires either eye alone


if two objects are presumes to be the same size, the one that casts a smaller retinal image is percieved as farther away

relative size

an object partially covered by another is seen as farther away


objects that appear hazy are seen as farther away

relative clarity

as an object becomes increasingly distant, it appears progressively less distinct

texture gradient

objects lower in the visual field are seen as nearer

relative height

as we move, objects at different distances appear to move at different rates

relative motion

parallel lines appear to converge in the distance

linear perspective

dimmer, or shaded, objected seem farther away

light and shadow

in general, we are (very good/not very good) at quickly detecting the speed of moving objects

very good

larger objects seem to move (faster/more slower) than smaller objects

more slowly

the brains interprets a rapid series of slightly varying images as movement, a phenomenon highlighted by this priniciple

stroboscopic movement

the illusion of movement that results when two adjacent stationary spots of light blink on an off in quick succession

phi phenomenon

our tendency to see objects as unchanging while the stimuli from them change in size, shape, and lightness

perception constancy

perception constancy is a _____ process

top down

perception constancy enables us to identify things regardless of __ __ or ___ by which we view them

angle, distance, illumination

due to shape and size constancy, familiar objects (do/do not) appear to change size or shape despite changes in our ____ images of them

do not, retinal

when distance cues are removed, illusions are


people who have lived their lives in uncarpentered rural environments are (more/less) susceptible to the muller lyer illusion


the brain computes an object's brightness (relative to/independent of) surrounding objects

relative to

the amount of light an object reflects relative to its surroundings is called

relative luminance

thanks to ___ ____ we see objects as having a constant hue relative to surrounding objects

color constanc

the idea that knowledge comes from inborn ways of organizing sensory experiences was proposed by the philosopher


philosopher who maintained that we learn to percieve the world by experiencing it


stdies of cases which vision has been restores to a person who was blind from birth show that upon seeing tactilely familiar objects for the firsy time, the person (can/cannot) recognize them


studies of sensory deprivation demonstrat that visual experiences durng _____ are crucial for perceptual developement


infant experience suggests that there is a ___ ___ for normal and perceptual development

critical period

the critical period priniciple explains wyh humans born with a ____, or opaque lens, get surgery immediately


humans given glasses that shift or invert the visual field (will/will not) adapt to the distorted perception - this priniciple is called

will, perceptual adaptation

animals such as chicks (adapt/ do not adapt) to distorting lenses

do not adapt

when distorting goggles are first removed, most people experience a brief perceptual __, as their perceptual systems continue to compensate for the shifted visual input


a mental predisposition that influences perception is called a

perceptual set

through experience, people acquire perceptual ____, as reflected i children's drawinf as different ages


our perceptual schemas explains why we recognize


our face recognition is expecially attuned to the expressive areas of the

eyes and mouth

how a stimulus is percieved depends on our perceptual schemas and the ___ in which it is experienced


the context of a stimulus creates a (top down/ bottom up) signal against it

top down

our perception is also influenced by ____ about gender and the _____ context of our experiences

stereotypes, emotional

psychologists who study the importance of considering perceptual principles in the design of machines, appliances, and work settings are called

human factor psychologists

victims of the curse of knowledge techology developers who assume that others share their ____ may create designs that are unclear to others


another example of failure to consider the human factor in design is the ___ ___ technology which provides embarrassing headets that amplify sound for people with hearing loss

assistive listening

perception outside the range of normal sensation

extrasensory perception

psychologists who study ESP are called


the form of esp in which people claim to be capable of reading others minds


a person who can sense danger might claim to have the esp ability of


an ability to see the future is called


a person who claims to levitate and move objects is claiming to the power of


analyses of psychic visons and premonitions reveal (hihg/chance level) accuracy

chance level

a major difficulty for parapsychology is that it is consistently not
