social psychology 7

Self awareness theory

the idea that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values. Escapes = alcohol + social identity

Social identity

the "we" aspect of our self-concept; the part of our answer to "who am I?" that comes from our group memberships. Depersonalisation (no longer individual but group member). Conform to norms

Personal identity

The part of our psychological identity that involves our sense of ourselves as unique individuals. Does it even exist?

Self knowledge

observation of "me" based on actions. No introspective access to "I

Tice 1992

cognitive dissonance. Actions should be in line with cognition. View self on actions


effect of roles on sense of self. Prison study. Roles affect behaviour + attitudes

Self assessment

seek information on peripheral aspects of self. Improves adaptability

Self verification

the tendency to seek evidence to confirm the self-concept. Seek information on core aspects of self. Confirms self assessment.

Self affirmation

bolstering our identity and self-esteem by taking note of important elements of our identity, such as our important values. Seek knowledge of positive aspects of self. Develop positive self concept

Taylor + Brown

effect of self esteem. Makes us overestimate good points + level of control. Overly optimistic. Except depressed, who are accurate

Bushman + Baumeister 1998

high self esteem is associated with violence + enhanced by criticism

Terror management theory

proposes that faith in one's worldview and the pursuit of self-esteem provide protection against a deeply rooted fear of death


Leading theory arguing that self-esteem is a measure of the quality of our relationships with others

Shrauger + Schoeneman 1979

looking glass self. See selves as others see us


self = social construction

Marsh + Yeung 1997

snowball effects of self concept-academic success-self concept. Achievement effect is largest. Why? Define us? Problems for Education system? Bias towards West (individualistic) culture?

Lockwood 2002

social comparison theory. Validate attitudes by comparing with others. Use downward comparison to help self esteem. Therefore we are vulnerable to others fate. Compare to high other or low other

Cialdini 1979

BIRGing. Collective self esteem e.g. football team

Self evaluation maitenance model

upward comparison then avoid/downplay similarity to aid self esteem

Veale et al , 2003

self schemas. Self discrepency theory. In BDD participants had significant differences in their actual/ought selves + ideal/actual self