Unit 1 Module 1 Foundations of Psychology


the scientific study of behavior and mental processes


William Wundt and E.B. Titchener's theory that analyzes the basic elements of thoughts and sensations to determine the structure of conscious experience

William Wundt

father of modern psychology and structuralism

Gestalt psychology

a psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts


William James theory emphasizing the functios of consciousness and the ways consciousness helps people adapt to their environment

William James


psychoanalytic perspective

Sigmund Freud's theory that focuses on how behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts; now called psychoanalytic perspective

Freudian slip

misstatement reflective of something you would like to say

Ivan Pavlov

Russian researcher who was the first to research observable learned behavior called classical conditioning

humanistic psychology

the psychological perspective that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedoms and their potential for growth. Stresses the importance of self-esteem, free will, an choice in human behavior. Emerged from the pioneering work of Car

Abraham Maslow

humanistic psychology

Carl Rogers

humanistic psychology

behaviorist perspective

focuses on how we learn observalbe responses

John B. Watson

behaviorist perspective

Jean Piaget

developmental psychologist focusing on the way children learn

psychological perspective

collection of ideas or the way a psychologist will view behavior

cognitive perspective

focuses on how we take in, process , store, and retrieve information

biological perspective

focuses on the physical structures and substances underlying a particular behavior, thought, or emotion

social-cultural perspective

focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in different contexts or situations

behavior genetics

focuses on how much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences

positive psychology

focuses on the study of optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals and communitites to thrive

clinical psychologist

diagnose and treat patients for psychological problems


diagnoes and treats patients and writes prescriptions

academic psychologist

conduct basic research at colleges and universities

biological psychologist

look at the physiological roots and results of our behaviors

social psychologist

look at the influence others have on behavior

developmental psychologist

study the growth or development that takes place from womb to tomb

cognitive psychologist

study thought processes

applied psychologist

look into solving specific, pracitical problems