PSY 1010 CH8


true or false: gender includes not only biological sex but also one's understanding of the meaning of gender in one's life

Critics say that Erikson summed up the stages with single concepts, Erikson's theory is mostly based on case study research

which of the following are criticisms of erikson's socioemotional development theory


According to Piaget, a____is a concept or framework that exist in a person's mind and that organizes information and provided a framework for interpreting it.


What are the environmental agents such as a drug, chemical, virus, or other factor that produces a birth defect?

Eye color, Family history of hair loss

Which of the following represents "nature" influences?


Adolescent____is a state of self-absorption in which a teenager views the world only from his or her own point of view

A belief in the permanence of an object despite superfical changes

According to Piaget, conservation is

The authoritative parent places limits, The authoritative parent encourages independence.

Which of the following define the "authoritative" parent according to Baumrind?


True or False: According to Baumrind's parenting theory, parents who are neglectful deliberately rear their children by putting few restraints on them


The specialization of function in one hemisphere of the brain or other is_____

Kaylee is reading a picture book and assumes that her mother who is across the room can see the pictures, Three-year old Hank believes his father knows what he (Hank) is thnking

Which of the following examples describes "egocentric thought" in Piaget's pre operational stage?


_____is a basic, innate disposition that emerges very early in life and affects behavior throughout childhood.

A study where elementary students in grades 6,7,8 and 9 are surveyed all at one time

Cross-sectional research is best represented by which of the following examples?

The infant's needs are met by responsive caregivers, It occurs during the first year and a half of life

According to Erikson's theory of socioemeotional development, the first childhood stage, trust vs. mistrust consists of the following:

Initiative vs. guilt

According to Erikson's theory of socioemotional development, which of his stages would the following example represent: the child moves out into a widening social world and "conscience" develops


Alcohol, viruses, and nicotine are all categorized as ___because they can cause birth defect when to a fetus is exposed to them.

Flattened noses and wide spaced eyes, Heart defects, Below average intelligence

Which of the following are characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome?

Moral reasoning does not necessarily mean moral behavior

A major criticism of Kohlberg's theory is


A person's genotype gives them the potential to be tall , but this potential interacts with the environment to produce a__

It is a fertilized egg, It is a single cell with 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father

Which of the following is true of a zygote?

Integrity vs. despair

Anne is 85 and lives in a nursing home. She has been involved in a project sponsored by the nursing home called "life review," where residents assemble recollections of their lives. Which of Erkikson's stages is being addressed here?


One example that is often used to illustrate Piaget's principle of___is a task where a child is presented with two identical beakers filled with liquid. The contents of one of the beakers is then placed in a much taller, skinnier container and the child i

Has low intensity of mood, Low activity level, Displays minimal adaptability

According to Chess and Thomas work on temperament, a child that is classified as a "slow-to-warm up child" displays which of the following behaviors?


A researcher wants to study infant response to novelty. She shows her participant infants a series of cards with the same smiling face on each card, AT fist the infants appear to be interested but, as time goes on, they become decreasingly responsive. Thi


Emerging adulthood is the ___from adolescence to adulthood.

A young boy goes to school wearing a pink shirt and his classmates ask him why, In a particular culture women are expected to take care of the house and children, Prior to WW2 men in the US were considered breadwinners

Which of the following best represents the influence of gender roles?


What term is used to describe the distinguished character of an individual what roles we play, and what we are capable of?

Cellular clock

Leonard Hayflick developed the__ theory of aging which says that our cells become less capable of dividing as we age.

A schema organizes info, A schema assists us in making sense of experience, Schemas are expressed as various behaviors ans skills.

According to Paiget's theory of cognitive development, there are "schemas" that guide a person's thinking. Which of the following are features of schema?

Genetic material

Genotype is defined as the person's


An organism's environmental experiences are described as____

It involves logical reasoning, Abstract thinking is not yet developed

Which of the following is typical of the concrete operational stage according to Piaget?

The nun study of mankato

Which of the following research studies is an ongoing study of Alzheimer's disease?

People develop and mature by coping with life difficulties, It is possible to develop a rich and complex view of the world, It occurs in the context of some declines.

Which of the following factors are important to successful adult development?


Some developmental psychology researchers use the term infant____to describe the initial important connection to a caregiver that provides a foundation for later development


A____in lateralization in older adults may improve cognitive functioning