AP Psychology 18

general adaptation syndrom

a 3-stage process (alarm, resistance, and exhaustion) by which the body responds to stress


a personality style that is characterized by commitment, challenge, and control. Hardiness acts as a buffer against stress

health psychology

the study of the link between psychological factors and physical health and illness

immune system

a biological surveillance system that detects and destroys "nonself" substances that invade the body


specialized white blood cells that secrete chemical antibodies and facilitate the immune response

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

an anxiety disorder triggered by an extremely stressful event, such as combat

psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

a new subfield of psychology that examines the interactions among psychological factors, the nervous system, and the immune system

self-awareness theory

the theory that self-focues attention leads people to notice their shortcomings, thus motivating a change in behavior or an escape from self-awareness


a positive or negative evaluation of the self

social support

the healthful coping resources provided by friends and other people


an aversive state of arousal triggered by the perception that an event threatens are ability to cope effectively

Type A personality

a personality characterized by an impatient, hard-driving, and hostile pattern of behavior

Type B personality

a personality characterized by an easygoing, relaxed pattern of behavior