AP Psychology 17

anti-anxiety drugs

tranquilizing medications used in the treatment of anxiety


drugs that relieve depression by increasing the supply of norepinenphrine, serotonin, or dopamine

antipsychotic drugs

drugs that are used to control the positive symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

aversion therapy

a behavioral therapy technique for classically conditioning people to react with aversion to alcohol and other harmful substance

behavioral therapies

techniques used to modify disordered thoughts, feelings, and behaviors through the principles of learning


an operant procedure in which people learn to control physiological responses with the help of "feedback" about their internal states

cognitive therapy

a form of psychotherapy in which people are taught to think in more adaptive ways

electroconvulsive therapy

electric shock treatments that often relieve severe depression by triggering seizures in the brain

family therapy

form of psychological treatment that treats the members of a family as an interactive system


a behavioral therapy technique in which the patient is saturated with a fear provoking stimulus until the anxiety is extinguished

free association

a basic technique of psychoanalysis in which the patient says whatever comes to mind-freely and w/o censorship

Gestalt therapy

A humanistic form of psychotherapy in which clients are aggressively prompted to express their feelings

group therapy

the simultaneous treatment of several clients in a group setting


a drug used to control mania and mood swings in people with bipolar disorder

person-centered therapy

a humanistic psychotherapy in which a warm and accepting environment is created to foster self-insight and acceptance

placebo effect

the curative effect of an inactive treatment that results simply from the patient's belief in its therapeutic value


the study of the effects of drugs on psychological processes and disorders


the surgical removal of portions of the brain for the purpose of treating psychological disorders


a term used to describe any treatment in which a trained professional uses psychological techniques to help someone in need of assistance

rational-emotive-behavior therapy (REBT)

a form of cognitive therapy in which people are confronted with their irrational, maladaptive beliefs


in psychoanalysis, the tendency for patients to actively block, or "resist" psychologically painful insights

social-skills training

a form of behavioral therapy used to teach interpersonal skills through modeling, rehearsal, and reinforcement

systematic desensitization

a behavioral therapy technique used to treat phobias and other anxiety disorders by pairing gradual exposure to an anxiety-provoking situation with relaxation

token economy

a large scale behavior change program in which the participants earn valuable tokens for engaging in desired target behaviors


in psychoanalysis, the tendency of patients to displace intense feelings for others onto the therapist