AP Psychology 16


an anxiety disorder in which the main symptom is an intense fear of public places


a dissociative disorder involving a partial or complete loss of memory

antisocial personality disorder

a personality disorder involving a chronic pattern of self- centered, manipulative, and destructive behavior toward others

bipolar disorder

a rare mood disorder characterized by wild fluctuations from mania (euphoric, overactive state) to depression (a state of hopelessness and apathy)

borderline personality disorder

a type of personality characterized by instability in one's self-image, mood, and social relationships and a lack of clear identity


the tendency for people diagnosed with one mental disorder to exhibit symptoms of other disorders as well

conversion disorder

a disorder in which a person temporarily loses a bodily function in the absence of a physical cause

culture-bound syndromes

recurring patterns of maladaptive behavior that are limited to a specific cultural group or location


false beliefs that often accompany schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders


a mood disorder characterized by sadness, despair, feelings of worthlessness, and low self-esteem

depressive explanatory style

the tendency for depressed people to attribute negative events to factors that are internal, stable, and global


the process of identifying and grouping mental disorders with similar symptoms

diathesis-stress model

the theory that certain mental disorders (such as schizophrenia) develop when people with a genetic or acquired vulnerability are exposed to high levels of stress

dissociative disorder

a condition marked by a temporary disruption in one's memory, consciousness, self-identity

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

formerly known as multiple personality disorder, it is a condition in which an individual develops two or more distinct identities


nickname for the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

fugue state

a form amnesia in which a person "forgets" his or her identity, wanders from home, and starts a new life

generalized anxiety disorder

a psychological disorder that is characterized by a constant state of anxiety not linked to an identifiable source


sensory experiences that occur in the absence of actual stimulation


a disorder characterized by an unwarranted preoccupation with one's physical health

learned helplessness

a learned expectation that one cannot control important life outcomes, resulting in apathy and depression

medical model

the perspective that mental disorders are caused by biological conditions and can be treated through medical intervention

mood disorder

a condition characterized by prolonged emotional extremes ranging from mania to depression

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

an anxiety disorder defined by persistent thoughts (obsessions) and the need to perform repetitive acts (compulsions)

panic disorder

a disorder characterized by sudden and intense rushes of anxiety without an apparent reason

personality disorders

a group of disorders characterized by a personality that is highly inflexible and maladaptive

phobic disorder

an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense and irrational fear

psychological disorder

a condition in which a person's thoughts, feelings, or behavior is judged to be dysfunctional

psychological model

the perspective that mental disorders are caused and maintained by one's life experiences

schizophrenia disorders

disorders involving gross distortions of thoughts and perceptions and by loss of contact with reality

simple phobia

an intense, irrational fear of a specific object or situation

social phobia

an intense fear of situations that invite public scrutiny

somatoform disorder

a type of mental disorder in which a person experiences bodily symptoms that are psychological rather than medical in nature