AP Psychology 1

applied research

research that aims to solve practical human problems

archival research

a form of research that relies on existing records of past behavior

basic research

pure science" research that tests theories and builds a foundation of knowledge

behavior observations

a form of research that is based on the firsthand observation of a subject's behavior

behavioral genetics

a subfield that examines the role of genetics factors on behavior

behavioral neuroscience

a subfield that studies the links among the brain, nervous system, and behavior


a school of though that defines psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior

case studies

a type of research that involves making in-depth observations of individual persons


a general term that refers to mental processes such as thinking, knowing, and remembering

control group

the condition of an experiment in which subjects are not exposed to the independent variable


a statistical measure of the extent to which two variables are associated

cross-cultural research

a body of studies designed to compare and contrast people of different cultures


a research procedure used to mislead subjects about the true purposes of a study

dependent variable

a variable that is being measured in an experiment (the proposed effect)


the assumption that the body and mind are separate, though perhaps interacting, entities


the study of the distribution of illnesses in a population

evolutionary psychology

a subfield that uses the principles of evolution to understand human social behavior


a type of research in which the investigator varies some factors, keeps others constant, and measures the effects on randomly assigned subjects

experimental group

any condition of an experiment in which subjects are exposed to an independent variable

field research

research that is conducted in real-world locations


the extent to which a finding applies to a broad range of subject populations and circumstances


a specific testable prediction, often derived from a theory

independent variable

any variable that the researcher manipulates in an experiment (the proposed cause)

informed consent

the ethical requirement that prospective subjects receive enough information to permit them to decide freely whether to participate in a study


Wundt's method of having trained observes report on their conscious, moment-to-moment reactions

laboratory research

research conducted in an environment that can be regulated and in which subjects can be carefully observed


a set of statistical procedures used to review a body of evidence by combining the results of individual studies

multicultural research

a body of studies designed to compare and contrast racial and ethnic minority groups within cultures

naturalistic observation

the observation of behavior as it occurs naturally in real-world settings


Freud's theory of personality and method of psychotherapy, both of which assume the importance of unconscious processes


the scientific study of behavior and the mind

random assignment

the procedure of assigning subjects to conditions of an experiment in an arbitrary manner

random sample

a method selection in which everyone in the population has an equal chance of being chosen


the process of repeating a study to see if the results are reliable enough to be duplicated


a graph in which paired scores (X,Y) for many subjects are plotted as single points to reveal the direction and strength of their correlation


a method of observation that involves asking people to describe their own thoughts, feelings, or behaviors


a branch of mathematics that is used for analyzing research data


a research method that involves interviewing or giving questionnaires to a large number of people


an organized set of principles that describes, predicts, and explains some phenomenon