Movers and Shakers (Bashore)

Alfred Adler

(psychodynamic) unconcisous-inferiority/superiority

Mary Ainsworth

infant attachment to parents

Gordon W. Allport

(personality) traits-cardinal/central/secondary

Solomon Asch

(social) conformity-line test

Albert Bandura

(behavioralism/learning) bobo doll, triadic reciprocality, self-efficacy

Aaron Beck

(cognitive therapy) depession-conginitive triad

Alfred Binet

(intelligence) IQ test

Paul Broca

(brain) broca's area of the brain- motor aspects of speaking

Jerome Bruner

(thinking) cognitive learning theory

Walter Cannon and Philip Bard

(emotion) emotion/response happen simultaneously-(thalamus)

Raymond Cattell

(personality traits and intelligence) 16 PF (personality factor)

Noam Chomsky

(language) Nativist Theory-language is inborn

H. Ebbinghaus

(memory) forgetting curve

Albert Ellis

(cognitive therapy) rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)

Erik Erikson

(psychodynamic) 8 stages of psychosocial development

Hans Eysenck

(personality traits) extrovert/introvert and stable/unstable scales

Anna Freud

(psychodynamic) freud's daughter

Sigmund Freud


Howard Gardner

(intelligence) multiple intelligences

Carol Gillingan

(developmental) gender differences in moral development. Disagreed with Kohlberg

Harry Harlow

(developmental) monkeys-attachment disorders

Holmes and Rahe

stress-SRRS (stress scale)

Karen Horney

(psychodynamic) womb envy

Hubel and Weisel

(vision) feature detectors

Irving Janis

(social) groupthink

William James

(Lange)(Emotion) physical response causes the emotion

Carl Jung

(psychodynamic) collective unconscious, archetypes, persona

Lawrence Kohlberg

(developmental) moral development stages

Wolfgang Kohler

(thinking) insight learning-chimps reaching bananas

Richard Lazarus

(therapy) role of emotions and thought

Konrad Lorenz

(developmental) imprinting

Abraham Maslow

(motivation) hierarchy of needs, self actualization

Stanley Milgram

(social) shock study-obediance

Ivan Pavlov

(behavioralism/learning) classical conditioning

Jean Piaget

(developmental) cognitive development stages

Carl Rogers

(motivation) humanistic

Julian Rotter

locus of control

Schachter and Singer

(emotion) 2 factor theory of emotion-labels

William Sheldon

somatotpe theory-ecto, endo, mesomorph

Martin Seligman

depression- learned helplessness

Hans Seyle

(stress) general adaptation syndrome

B.F. Skinner


Robert Sternberg

(intelligence) triarchic theory of intelligence

Edward Tolman

(cognitive/learning) latent learning (hidden), cognitive maps

E.L. Thorndike

(behavioralism/learning) operant conditioning-law of effect

Lev Vygotsky

(developmental) child development-zone of proximal development

John Watson

(behavioral/learning) classical conditioning-fears/phobias are learned

Ernst Weber

(perception) weber's law-just noticeable difference threshold

David Weschler

(intelligence) IQ tests (WAIS, WISC)

Wihlem Wundt

(perception) 1st psych lab, structuralism

Benjamin Whorf

(language) linguistic relaivity hypothesis-language controls thinking


(motivation/emotion) inverted U- arousal affects performance

Philip Zimbardo

(social) prison guard experiment

Charles Spearman

(intelligence) g-general factor