AP Psychology Vocab Unit 1


view that knowledge comes from experience and science should rely on observation


early school of psychology that thought you could decode the mind by just thinking about it (Descartes)


school of psychology that focused on how mental and behavioral processes function and how these enable us to adapt

experimental psychology

study of behavior and thinking with experiments


view that psychology is an objective science that can only observe behavior

humanistic psychology

the focus on the current environmental effects on a person's growth potential

cognitive neuroscience

study of brain activity linked with mental activity and how we perceive, process, and remember information


the science of behavior and mental processes

nature-nurture issue

controversy over the contributions of biology (genes) and experiences in the development of psychological traits and behaviors (psychology's biggest issue)

natural selection

the principle that nature selects the traits that best enable an organism to survive and passes them on to future generations

levels of analysis

complimentary views of psychology, from biological to psychological, to social-cultural for analyzing any given situation

biopsychosocial approach

an approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis

biological psychology

branch of psychology that studies how the body and brain enable emotions

evolutionary psychology

branch of psychology that studies the roots of behavior and mental processes using the principals of natural selection

psychodynamic psychology

branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior

behavioral psychology

study of observable behavior

cognitive psychology

study of mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

social-cultural psychology

study of how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures


study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes, and traits

basic research

science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base

developmental psychology

study of physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

educational psychology

study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning

personality psychology

study of an individual's characteristic patter of thinking, feeling, and acting

social psychology

study of how we think about, influence and relate to one another

applied research

study that aims to solve practical problems

industrial-organizational psychology

application of psychology's concepts and methods in the workplace to help organizations and companies select and train employees, boost morale, design products, and implement systems

human factors psychology

study of the interaction of people, machines, and physical environments

counseling psychology

branch of psychology that helps people cope with challenges and crises to improve their personal and social functioning

clinical psychology

branch of psychology that assess and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders


branch of "medicine-dealing" psychology that treats physical causes of psychological disorders with drugs


Survey, Question, Read, Rehearse, and Review

by seeking to measure atoms of the mind, who established psychology laboratory?

William Wundt

which philosopher proposed that nerve pathways allowed for reflexes?

Rene Descartes

who coined the term "tabula rasa" (blank slate) to help explain the impact experience has on shaping an individual?

john Locke

what best describes research typical of Wilhelm Wundt's first psychology laboratory?
a. examining the unconscious to determine behavior motivation
b. using a brain scanning device to determine the impact events have on brain function
c. measuring the reac

c. measuring the reaction time between hearing a sound and pressing a button

with which of the following statements would John B watson most likely agree?

psychology should focus on observable behavior.

the definition of psychology changed as the field evolved during the early years. Why did John B Watson object to the definition preferred by Wundt, Titchener, and James? what group of psychologists did Watson's ideas influence? How did Watson redefine ps

-watson objected to the "science of mental life" because he felt it was impossible to be scientific without observations.
-Watson's ideas influenced the behaviorists
-Watson preferred limiting psychology to behavior, because behavior could be observed and

Which of the following perspectives is most likely to address how the encoding, storing, and retrieval of information might alter our thoughts?


who of the following would most likely study the interaction of people, machines, and physical environments?
a. human factors psychologist
b. personality psychologist
c. industrial organization psychologist
d. counseling psychologist
e. experimental psych

a. human factors

psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that they..

are medical doctors licensed to prescribe medicine

What would a humanistic psychologist working with some poets ask..?

how do society's attitudes affect their writing topics

Betsy works in a human resources department. She plans training sessions, recruits people to work for the company, and implements techniques to boost morale around the office. Betsy is most likely to be a..

industrial organizational psychologist

George is said to have an "easy-going" personality. How might the biopsychosocial approach be used to explain an easy-going personality?

1. biological factors would include George's genetic, psychological, and chemical makeup. For instance, George's easy going manner may be the result of brain chemistry.
2. Psychological factors would include a discussion of how George learned that an easy

Which of the following psychologists most strongly emphasize that human behavior is powerfully influenced by the interaction between people and their physical, social, political, and economic environments?
a. community
b. clinical
c. counseling
d. industr

community psychologist

which of the following psychologists would be most likely to investigate biological, psychological, cognitive, and social changes over time?
a. Educational
b. experimantal
c. social
d. cognitive
e. developmental


a psychologist investigates the methods teachers use to enhance student learning. With which of the following subfields is the psychologist most likely aligned?
a. educational psychology
b.experimental psychology
c.school psychology
d.social psychology

educational psychology

a psychologist works with children whose parents are divorcing. She helps them develop skills they need to cope with the situation. what kind of psychologist is most likely helping these children?

counseling psychologist

Dwayne is interested in helping people make good decisions regarding their physical well being. Dwayne should consider a career as a..

health psychologist

Anisha, a high school student, has been struggling in many areas in her life. She is overweight and spends a lot of time watching tv. She is having trouble keeping up in her classes and says she cannot seem to keep her focus. She has trouble making friend

- health: attempt to find ways to encourage her to lead a more active lifestyle and focus on improving her lifestyle and focus on creating a diet and exercise program. This should help her lose some weight and become healthier in her daily habits
- school