Psych 101 Exam 5

When Olivia was a child, she observed how her mother would count calories and restrict her eating. Now Olivia deals with her stressors by avoiding food and staying slender. Olivia's early experiences appear to be channeled into a food-related anxiety diso


Richard experiences unexpected episodes of intense fear, accompanied by shortness of breath and the thought that he might be going crazy. He constantly fears the onset of these episodes. Richard most likely suffers from:

panic disorder

Of the various types of anxiety disorders, which one is diagnosed more often in men than in women?

None. They are all diagnosed more frequently in women than in men.

Which of the following is true regarding treatment for anxiety disorders?

Although both medication and CBT are effective, the effects of CBT are longer lasting

After serving two terms in Afghanistan, Kurt is suffering from insomnia, is agitated and jumpy, and has intrusive thoughts that cause great distress. Kurt is most likely suffering from:

post-traumatic stress disorder

Which does NOT belong to the "triple vulnerabilities" model?

acute vulnerabilities

Which of the following is the most common anxiety disorder?


Cultural relativism refers to:

Cultural norms and values of a society that can only be understood in their own context

Specific phobias can be categorized by type. Which of the following is a type of specific phobia?

Blood-Injury type; symptoms include a fear of blood or needles

Cognitive behavioral therapies are effective treatments for anxiety disorders. _____________ is/are a key component of this therapy.

exposure exercises

Manpreet experiences high levels of anxiety about exposure to germs. As a result, he typically washes his hands more than 100 times a day. What is the clinical term for this behavior?

a compulsion

A person who avoids public places or situations because they are viewed as not "safe" would most likely be diagnosed with:


When he leaves his house, Carlton experiences high levels of anxiety about whether he has locked his front door. As a result, he goes back to check the door multiple times, and sometimes he is so anxious about not having locked up that he is unable to lea

obsessive compulsive disorder

Specific genetic factors that might make someone vulnerable to developing an anxiety disorder are called _______ vulnerabilities; however, no single gene has been identified as directly causing anxiety of panic symptoms.


From a behavioral perspective, the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder may become inadvertently ______ when a person feels that their worry has led to some sort of positive outcome.


____________________________ is characterized by constant worry over minor and catastrophic events. Other complaints, such as muscle tension, fatigue, and irritability are also common.

generalized anxiety

Anxiety disorders are thought to emerge from "triple vulnerabilities." Which of the following is NOT an example of one of those vulnerabilities?

Zoe's small physical build makes her predisposed to feel the world is overwhelming leading to anxiety.

A Major Depressive Episode requires ________ of nine symptoms, including a depressed mood and/or diminished interest in activities for at least two weeks.


Rory has felt depressed most of the last three years. He also suffers from poor appetite and low self-esteem. Rory most likely has:

persistent depressive disorder

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the difference between Bipolar I Disorder (BD I) and Bipolar II Disorder (BD II)?

BD I involves at least one manic episode, while BD II involves at least one hypomanic episode.

What is something to examine before diagnosing a Mood Disorder?

Whether the symptoms are due to a substance or a general medical condition

Which of the following is an example of anhedonia?

Julie typically enjoyed taking her kids to the park but lately has lost interest or pleasure in this activity.

One day, Betty felt lethargic, hopelessly sad, fatigued, and had no interest in anything. A few days later she was feeling extremely euphoric and powerful, engaged in risky sexual exploits, and spent money irresponsibly. Betty could be diagnosed with:

bipolar disorder

Which is NOT included as an antidepressant medication?

Glutamate neurotransmission suppressors

Celine has been having difficulty sleeping, cannot seem to concentrate at work, is sad most of the time, and seems to have lost interest in things that she always used to enjoy. Which disorder is Celine most likely suffering from?

Major depressive disorder

Higher levels of Major Depressive Disorder are associated with _________.

Lower socioeconomic status

The Social zeitgeber theory is based on:

Biological rhythms, such as the sleep-wake cycle

Research indicates that typically,

women are twice as likely to experience depression.

___________ factors are influential in the development of Major Depressive Disorder?

both genetic and environmental

Which is NOT one of the symptoms for a Major Depressive Episode?


Bipolar disorder has a _______________ rate of heritability suggesting a biological cause.


Anhedonia is characterized by:

Loss of interest or pleasure in activities one previously found enjoyable or rewarding.

Heather just failed her sculpting class. From this failure Heather concludes it was her fault, she has no talent, and she will always do poorly in sculpting. What is Heather displaying?

Heather has made an internal, global, and stable attribution about herself.

Twin studies suggest that familial influence on Major Depressive Disorders is due to ________________________ .

genetic factors and environmental factors

When a person experiencing depression demonstrates the symptom of psychomotor __________, they might fidget, pace, tap their feet, or wring their hands.


The most common type of hallucination, at least in adults who suffer from psychosis, is __________.


Individuals with schizophrenia that have problems with social cognition tend to have more:

negative and disorganized symptoms

Hallucinations refer to ___________; where delusions refer to _______________.

smelling something not there; a false belief

Which of the following statements is true regarding the cognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia?

Cognitive deficits act as both a risk factor and an outcome of schizophrenia

What disorder(s) involve(s) symptoms such as: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and abnormal behavior?

Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Christopher has the idea that a secret government organization is hunting him. His belief is hard to change even in the presence of conflicting information. This is an example of a _________.


Which type of psychotherapy has been found to help improve a variety of symptoms and protect against loss of gray matter in the brain of those with schizophrenia?

cognitive enhancement therapy

Which of the following is a term that suggests a lack of caring or pleasure, and a reduction in a person's motivation or ability to engage in actions necessary to obtain a positive outcome?


__________ is a term that refers to an overall reduction in responsiveness to one's external environment. It can appear as holding unusual physical postures for an extended period of time, failing to respond to another person, or purposeless physical acti


Those with schizophrenia might suffer from deficits in ________ memory (the ability to learn and retrieve new information or experiences in one's life) as well as __________ memory (the ability to maintain information over a short period of time)

episodic ; working

What is the most common type of delusion experienced by people with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder?

persecutory delusions

Neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography have provided evidence that problems in the __________ may contribute to the delusions experienced by those with schizophrenia.


Some people with schizophrenia use only one-word answers or even may be silent. This pattern of reduced speech is called alogia, and is a _____ symptom of schizophrenia.


Which of the following is true about developing schizophrenia?

Risk for schizophrenia reflects the summation of many different genes

Which of the following is a risk factor for schizophrenia?

children born to older fathers

Jules seems to be very odd. For instance, she smears lipstick across her cheeks and often hopes on every third step when she walks. These examples of _______ indicate the possibility that Jules suffers from schizophrenia.

disorganized behaviors

Which of the following is the best distinction between hallucinations and delusions?

Hallucinations are sensory/perceptual while delusions are beliefs.

Parisa has schizophrenia and regularly experiences hallucinations. According to the research, which type of hallucination is most common in people who have schizophrenia?


Schizophrenia is often characterized by the following symptoms:

bizarre delusions

what is a common feature for the treatment of schizophrenia?

Most of the medications block a certain dopamine receptor

Stable characteristics of a person, such as styles of thought, feeling, and behavior are known as:


Which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the Five-Factor Model of personality?

borderline personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder includes traits such as:

reactive shame, need for admiration, and reactive anger

Why do individuals with a personality disorders rarely seek treatment?

They often do not realize their behaviors are maladaptive

Steven very rarely goes out in public due to worrying that others will think poorly of him. Steven would most likely be diagnosed with which of the following personality disorders?

avoidant personality disorder

A combination of neuroticism and maladaptive agreeableness would most likely result in a person suffering from __________ personality disorder.


Josh exhibits clinging behavior, submissiveness, and feats of separation. He likely has which personality disorder?

dependent personality disorder

In the famous Harry Potter books, one of the main characters is Voldemort. This individual kills at will, thinks only of his own needs, and manipulates people into doing his bidding. He even uses magic to destroy anyone who gets in his way! If Voldemort w

antisocial personality disorder

Bruno is extraverted to a maladaptive level. This includes traits such as attention-seeking, seductiveness, melodramatic emotionality, and extreme attachment needs. Bruno likely has which personality disorder?


Renette has been trying to paint her bathroom for 3 weeks now, but she has made almost no progress. Every time she paints a wall, she uses a magnifying glass to ensure that the job is "perfect." If there is even the slightest imperfection, she will strip

obsessive compulsive

Which treatment is often used to treat borderline personality disorder?

Dialectical behavior therapy

Which of the following may be the most accurate way to view personality disorders?

as a pervasive pattern of thoughts and behaviors that interfere with functioning

Donald is dishonest and manipulative, often has temper tantrums and wants to have fistfights. These traits have been part of his life for as long as anyone can remember. Which personality disorder seems to describe Donald?

antisocial personality disorder

A person who combines the traits of introversion and neuroticism would be most likely to suffer from __________ personality disorder.


Which is NOT one of the personality disorders included in the DSM-V?


Jean suffers from a pattern of pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Jean likely has which personality disorder?

avoidant personality disorder

A person suffering from antisocial personality disorder would probably exhibit a combination of which traits?

antagonism and low conciousness

What is NOT one of the five factors often studied in regard to resilience?

genetic influences

What are some factors that increase social integration?

large support network and many social roles in community

Thirty-eight percent of people report using the internet and having it influence their decision to see a doctor. While the internet has an important role, which of the following is a concern doctors have over the average person turning to the internet for

judging the credibility of information based on irrelevant factors

What is considered the future of health psychology?

Developing interventions to reduce the prevalence of preventable illness

__________-focused coping is when one regulates their emotional reaction to stress, and _____________-focused coping is addressing the stressful event.

emotion ; problem

_____________ best describes when people feel like they have the power to change their environment or behavior if they need or want to?

a sense of control

Health psychologists generally define health according to the ______ model, an integrative orientation that views one's overall health as a very complex recipe with many different ingredients.


The ________ model of health gives primary consideration to the role of physical factors in the development of illness while not giving equal attention to psychological contributors?


Damon experienced a death in his family from the hurricane that passed through his city recently. His stress levels are very high and he's starting to feel very tired and distracted at work. From these symptoms, what phase of the General Adaptation Syndro


Although Maria received a failing grade on her first exam she decided to see her professor for study advice and ask her friends to form a study group. Her ability to bounce back from a challenge is called ______.


Which of the following is the best definition of self-efficacy?

A feeling like you have the power to change your environment and behavior if you need or want to

The second stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model of stress response involves:


Since people cannot usually change stress __________, they should aim to change ___________ instead.


Hostility is an experience or trait with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional components. Which of the following is NOT an example of these components?

excessive worry

Of all the possible stress reduction activities which of the following has the most health benefits?


Which behavior type is considered at a higher risk for heart disease?

Type A Behavior

Albert has a large project due to his boss by the end of the week. Although it's stressful, Albert makes a step-by-step to-do list to ensure he can accomplish the project on time. Albert is displaying what type of coping?

problem-focused coping

A health condition that persists over time is typically known as:

a chronic disease

The ________ model of health gives primary consideration to the role of physical factors in the development of illness while not giving equal attention to psychological contributors?


What is the most accurate statement about stress and health?


________ occurs when people conclude that unpleasant or aversive stimuli cannot be controlled.

learned helplessness