Psychology Exam


The scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Scientific Observation

an empirical investigation structured to answer questions about the world in a systematic and inter-subjective fashion(observations can be reliably confirmed by multiple observers)

Research Method

a systematic approach to answering scientific questions


in scientific research, the process of naming and classifying

Animal Model

in research, an animal whose behavior is used to derive principles that may apply to human behavior


in psychology, understanding is achieved when teh causes of a behavior can be stated.


an ability to accurately forecast behavior


altering conditions that influence behavior

Critical Thinking

ability to reflect on, evaluate, analyze, critique, and synthesize information


any false and unscientific system of beliefs and practices that is offered an an explanation of behavior

Uncritical Acceptance

tendency to believe generally positive or flattering descriptions of oneself

Fallacy of Positive Instances

the tendency to remember or notice information that fits one's expectations, while forgetting discrepancies

Barnum Effect

the tendency to consider a personal description accurate if it is stated in very general terms

Scientific Method(6 elements)

Acryonym: Mom doesn't Play Guitar Past Ten
1. Making observations
2. Defining a problem
3. Proposing a hypothesis
4. Gathering evidence/testing the hypothesis
5. Publishing Results
6. Theory Building

Scientific Method

a form of critical thinking based on careful measurement and controlled observation


predicted outcome of an experiment or an educated guess about the relationship between variables

Operational Definition

defining a scientific concept by stating the specific actions or procedures used to measure it, for example "hunger might be defined as "the number of hours of food deprivation


system of ideas designed to interrelate concepts and facts in a way that summarizes existing data and predicts future observations


any physical energy sensed by an organism


to look within, to examine one's own thoughts, feelings or sensations


The school of thought concerned with analyzing sensations and personal experience into basic elements


school of psychology concerned with how behavior and mental abilities help people adapt to their environments

Natural Selection

Darwin's theory that evolution favors those plants and animals best suited to their living conditions


School of psychology emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts.


any muscular action, glandular activity, or other identifiable aspect of behavior

Gestalt Psychology

school of Psychology emphasizing the study of thinking, learning and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts.


contents of the mind that are beyond awareness, especially impulses and desires not directly known to a person


Freudian approach to psychotherapy emphasizing the exploration of unconscious conflicts

Psychodynamic Theory

any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces


an approach to psychology that focuses on human experiences, problems, potentials, and ideals


idea that all behavior has prior causes that would completely explain ones choices and actions if all such causes were known

Free will

idea that human beings are capable of freely making choices or decisions

self actualization

ongoing process of fully developing one's personal potential

cultural relativity

idea that behavior must be judged relative to the values of the culture in which it occurs

Social norms

rules that define acceptable and expected behavior for members of a group