Cog Psy CH 12 Quiz

Which of the following cognitive psychologists is most closely associated with the theory of linguistic determinism, which states that language strongly influences the way that a person perceives the world?


What was the critical finding of Smith, Brown, Toman, and Goodman's (1947) study of language that employed the drug curare to temporarily paralyze the participant?

For humans, thinking is not tied to muscle activity.

Which of the following brain regions is not implicated in human language abilities?

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

The Lord is a shoving leopard to his flock" and "easier for a camel to go through the knee of an idol" are examples of which type of speech error, which consists of exchanges of sounds between words?


Which of the following is not a type of language rule that is part of a language's grammar?


Linguists focus much of their study of language on two elements: _____________, which is concerned with the infinite number of utterances that are possible, and ___________, which centers on the systematic nature of these utterances.

productivity, regularity

Which of the following properly summarizes the modularity hypothesis of language processing?

Language and cognition are functionally separate.

Regarding the manner in which children learn to use the past tense of verbs, McClelland and Rumelhart argued for which of the following positions?

Children learn to use the past tense of verbs without actually learning that there is a rule for its use.

Which of the following is not a factor that cognitive psychologists look to as defining features of human language?

phonological quality

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the results of Gleitman, Newport, and Gleitman's (1984) study on the efficacy of the language pattern known as motherese?

There is no correlation between the degree to which motherese is used by parents and the degree of linguistic development of their children.