PSY 101H Chapter 10

A problem that consistently interferes with one's ability to complete the sexual response cycle is called

a sexual disorder

Research on the sexual response cycle indicates that

enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.

Basal metabolic rate is the body's resting rate of

energy expenditure

An aroused, motivated state that is often triggered by a physiological need is called a(n)


People become obsessed with water when thirsty and obsessed with food when hungry. This illustrates that activated motives

dominate consciousness

The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for understanding the aversive effects


In a study of 3500 British bank and university staff, men were ________ likely to be overweight than were women, and men were ________ likely to perceive themselves as overweight than were women.

more; less

Our weight thermostats are somewhat flexible and are influenced by psychological as well as biological factors. Some researchers have therefore adopted the term

settling point.

A body that can store fat has the advantage of possessing

stored energy

An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of

set point

When a rat is food-deprived, its ________ level decreases, and the ________ produces the hunger-triggering hormone orexin.

blood glucose; lateral hypothalamus

Researchers have observed that the incidence of obesity and diabetes among 50,000 nurses was predicted by their

TV viewing habits

A deep sense of well-being results when our need for relatedness is satisfied in balance with our psychological need for


According to Maslow, our need for ________ must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for ________.

adequate clothing; self-esteem

Research on the environmental conditions that influence sexual orientation indicates that

the reported backgrounds of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar.

Research has linked women's obesity to their risk of late-life

Alzheimer's disease

Gender differences in erotic plasticity are best illustrated by the fact that women

tend to be more changeable than men in sexual orientation.

Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of

drive-reduction theory.

For a thirsty person, drinking water serves to reduce

a drive

A birth-order effect seems to play a role in sexual orientation among

men who are right-handed

When an organism's weight rises above its set point, the organism is likely to experience a(n)

decrease in hunger and an increase in basal metabolic rate.

The descriptions of orgasm written by men and women are ________, and the subcortical brain regions active in men and women during orgasm are ________.

similar; similar

A body that can store fat has the advantage of possessing

stored energy

Unlike those with bulimia nervosa, those with binge-eating disorders are not likely to ________ following binge eating.

engage in excessive exercise

Researchers observed that the ________ levels of heterosexual male collegians were especially likely to increase while they were conversing with a ________ student

testosterone; female

Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of

drive-reduction theory

Which theory would be most likely to predict that rats are motivated to explore precisely those areas of an experimental maze where they receive mild electric shocks?

arousal theory

Foolish conformity to peer pressure is most likely to be motivated by ________ needs


Research has found that an animal's sexual orientation can be altered by

manipulations of prenatal hormone conditions

By manipulating a single gene, scientists have been able to control sexual orientation in

fruit flies

Many sexually active American adolescents fail to avoid pregnancy because

they have mistaken ideas about effective birth control methods.

Researchers have observed that the incidence of obesity and diabetes among 50,000 nurses was predicted by their

TV viewing habits

On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This practice best illustrates the use of


The maternal relatives of homosexual men produce ________ offspring than the maternal relatives of heterosexual men, and male homosexuality is more likely to be transmitted by genes from the ________ side of the family.

more; mother's

Gender differences in erotic plasticity are best illustrated by the fact that women

tend to be more changeable than men in sexual orientation

With respect to sex research and human values, the text suggests that

sex research and education should be accompanied by open consideration of sexual values.

When a person's weight falls below its set point, the organism is likely to experience a(n

increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.

When people's images on a video monitor are widened to make them look fatter, observers perceive them as

less sincere and less friendly

An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of

set point

John has a BMI of 35 and is desperate to get it down to at least 25. He is trying a low-sugar, low-carbohydrate diet. John is likely to have difficulty losing weight while dieting because

fat tissue can be maintained by fewer calories than can other body tissues.