Psy final

Joanna is constantly nervous, tense, and apprehensive. She worries about her health, her job, her children, and
her relatives. Her husband has tried to reassure her that everything is going well, but she can't seem to shake her
pervasive anxiety. Darlene

generalized anxiety disorder.

In social psychology the concept of sense of self is important because: the sense of self is influenced by social, cultural, and psychological experiences, and it plays a key role in

How we perceive and react to others

The branch of psychology that studies how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the presence of other people and by the social and physical environment is called:

social psychology

Social cognition is to _____ as social influence is to _____: the mental processes people use to make sense of their social environments

The effects of situational;
factors and other people on an individual's behavior

Social psychology focuses on a broad range of topics

social cognition and social influence.

According to your textbook, _____ is an area of social psychology that studies the effect of situational factors and other people on an individual's behavior

social influence

When Eileen told her father that someone had stolen her new cell phone at school, he said that she should have known better than to take her phone to school. "It was bound to happen," he said. This example most clearly illustrates:

hindsight bias.

When Raphael was in the elevator, he couldn't help but notice a man and a woman in conversation. He decided that the woman in the suit was probably a college administrator and the gray-haired man in the glasses was probably a professor. Raphael was engage

social categorization

Mrs. Lovejoy thinks that all teenagers are reckless, promiscuous, irresponsible delinquents. Mrs. Lovejoy appears to be associating qualities that are unrelated to the objective criteria that define this particular age group. This example illustrates:

stereotyped thinking.

Nadine is a casual dresser who loves wearing jeans and hates worrying about clothes. However, when she went for a job interview, she decided to wear a good tailored suit. Nadine's behavior best illustrates the importance of

normative social influence.

The social group to which a person belongs is called the_____, and the social group to which a person does not belong is called the

in-group; out-group

Helping another person with no expectation of personal reward or benefit is the definition of:


Juanita suggests that the aggressiveness of her brother's new friend is the result of his friend's low self-esteem. Juanita's inference about the cause of the behavior of her brother's friend is an example of

an attribution.

While eating at a restaurant, you see a waiter's serving tray tilt and an avalanche of food and beverages splatters on four people. "What a careless, clumsy idiot," you mumble to yourself as you resume eating. You have just committed an attributional bias

the fundamental attribution error.


is the tendency of people to believe that the world is fair and that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get.

The performance of a behavior in response to a direct command is called:


blaming the victim

an innocent victim of a misfortune somewhat causing the problem or not taking steps to avoid or prevent it

Deindividualization leads to a Reduction of self-awareness and inhibitions when person is part of a group in which members feel anonymous


When the student in front of her bumped the edge of the doorway and dropped most of her books in the classroom doorway, Vanessa immediately thought to herself, "What a klutz!" Vanessa's response illustrates the fundamental attribution error


Psychologists use the term attribution to refer to the mental process of explaining or determining the causes of someone's behavior, including our own


Blaming the victim is the tendency to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome of an event.


The tendency to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome of an event is called the self-serving bias


Collectivistic cultures often demonstrate the self-effacing bias.


The tendency to take credit for our successes and to distance ourselves from our failures is called the self-effacing bias.


_____ is a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person's resources or ability to cope.


Which of the following is the BEST definition of stress?

a negative emotional state caused by your perception that you are unable to cope with events or circumstances

Walter Cannon is to _____ as Richard Lazarus is to _____.

the fight-or-flight response; the cognitive appraisal model of stress

When Angela goes to graduate school, she wants to focus on how to promote health-enhancing behaviors, how psychological factors influence health and illness, and how people respond in the relationship between patient and health practitioner. Angela is int

health psychology.

When Chris missed his connecting flight due to bad weather, he became extremely upset and worried about the important meeting he was going to miss. In this scenario, the missed connection is an example of a _____, and his response to the missed connection


The Social Readjustment Rating Scale:

attempts to quantify and rank the impact of stress-producing events in a person's life.

Holmes and Rahe believed that any change that required you to adjust your behavior and lifestyle would cause stress. In an attempt to measure the amount of stress people experienced, they developed the

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

_____ is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interconnections among psychological processes, nervous and endocrine system functions, and the immune system.


Most psychoneuroimmunologists are likely to share the view that:

there are interconnections among psychological processes, nervous and endocrine system functions, and the immune system.

The final exam period was very stressful for Maria, and at the end of the semester she got very sick with a viral infection. Her body's _____ will produce _____ to help fight against the virus.

immune system;

According to Walter Cannon, which of the following is the correct sequence involved in the fight-or-flight response to acute stress?

Hypothalamus, sympathetic nervous system, adrenal medulla, secretion of catecholamines

The American physiologist Walter B. Cannon

described the fight-or-flight response, which involves the sympathetic nervous system and the endocrine system

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale: quantifies and ranks the impact of stress-producing events in a person's life

Known as life change units.

The body system that produces specialized white blood cells to defend the body from viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells is called the _____ system.


Resilience is

the ability to cope with stress and adversity, to adapt to negative or unforeseen circumstances, and to rebound after negative experiences.

Stress can indirectly undermine health and physical well-being by:

making people more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.

Stress can directly undermine health and physical well-being by

altering body functions in a way that leads to physical symptoms or illness.

According to _____, the _____ response is adaptive and increases the chances of survival when an organism is threatened.

Walter Cannon; fight-or-flight

There sources other people provide in times of need, including emotional, tangible, and informational support, are referred to as:

social support.

_____is primarily aimed at directly changing or managing a threatening or harmful stressor.

Problem-focused coping

When the football coach told the players that they had better start working harder during practice or they would be dropped from the team, he appeared to be using a(n) _____ coping strategy called _____.

problem-focused; confrontive coping

Dr. Mendez is a researcher who believes that physical and emotional health are affected by the complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. Thus, Dr. Mendez tends to follow the _____ model in her research.


Resilience refers to perceiving events as taxing and exceeding the ability to cope.


Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed the Daily Hassles Scale in an attempt to measure the amount of stress people experience


Interpersonal conflict occurs when there is a conflict between 2 people


Intragroup conflict occurs when there is conflict within a group.


The term _____ refers to the scientific study of the origins, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders.


The acronym DSM stands for:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Which of the following statements about Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) is FALSE

DSM-IV-TR is of little practical value to clinical psychologists and other mental health workers because it merely describes the symptoms of mental illnesses and does not explain what causes them.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision describes more than _____ specific psychological disorders


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision provides mental health professionals with

Both a common language for labeling mental disorders and comprehensive guidelines for
diagnosing them.

Marlene has major depression, and he may experience:

a preoccupation with death or suicidal thoughts.

Juan has periods when he feels extremely despondent for no apparent reason. During these periods, he finds it very difficult to be productive in his college classes or at his job. Juan's symptoms are characteristics of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manua

mood disorders

People with personality disorders

often display the characteristics of their personality disorder during adolescence or early adult years.

Research has investigated whether people with mental disorders are significantly more violent and dangerous than other groups of people. What is the basic finding of that research?

People who have a severe mental disorder in which they are delusional or hallucinating have a slightly higher level of violent behavior than
people who do not have a mental disorder.

According to the our class lecture and referencing the Critical Thinking box titled "Are People with a Mental Illness as Violent as the Media Portray Them?

Multiple studies have found that people with a major mental
illness belong to one of the most stigmatized groups in modern society.

According to the Rosenhan study

it's findings discovered that it is better to identify problems than to label someone.

One finding of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication is that the median age of onset in years for anxiety disorders was:


An unpleasant emotional state that involves feelings of worry, dread, apprehension, and tension, along withheightened physical arousal, is called:


Normal anxiety is to _____ as pathological anxiety is to _____.

reasonable and infrequent; irrational, disruptive, and uncontrollable

Jesse has been diagnosed with agoraphobia. Jesse is afraid of

having a panic attack in a public place.

Jesse is so preoccupied by his fear of germs that he always keeps his car and apartment windows sealed tightly, and refuses to allow anyone into his apartment. He carries his own silverware, which he uses when he eats away from home, and washes his hands

obsessive-compulsive disorder

A long-lasting anxiety disorder that develops in response to being exposed to a severe and often life- threatening trauma is called:

post-traumatic stress disorder.

Depression that repeatedly occurs with the onset of autumn and winter is to _____ as chronic, low-grade depression is to _____.

seasonal affective disorder; dysthymic disorder

Over the past three months, Ivanka's feelings of despondency have intensified for no apparent reason.
Although her friends have tried to be encouraging and supportive, Ivana says that she feels completely detached
from people and worthless, and she has ev

major depression.

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by: erratic, unstable relationships, emotions, and self-image, and desperate efforts to avoid real or imagined


Deceiving and manipulating others for one's own personal gain is a hallmark of _____ personality disorder.


The difference between "normal" behavior and "abnormal" behavior is sometimes determined by the degree,
intensity, or duration of the particular behavior.


Feelings of anxiety are always abnormal and indicate the existence of a serious psychological disorder.


Researchers have amassed an impressive array of evidence indicating that enlarged ventricles are the underlying
brain abnormality that causes almost all cases of schizophrenia.


_____ can be described as the use of psychological techniques to increase understanding and treat emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal problems.


The different forms of biomedical therapy are based on the assumption that _____ play a significant role in causing the symptoms of psychological disorders

biological factors

The use of psychological techniques to treat psychological problems is to _____ as the use of medical techniques to treat psychological problems is to _____.

psychotherapy; biomedical therapy

Marcia's therapist assessed her problems in the first two sessions of therapy. Then the two of them agreed on several goals that they would try to achieve over the course of weekly therapy sessions for the next five months. Early in the therapy, Marcia's

short-term dynamic therapy

Free association, dream interpretation, and transference are to _____ as unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathic understanding are to _____.

psychoanalysis; client-centered therapy

Cognitive psychotherapy is based upon the assumption that psychological problems are essentially caused by:

irrational and illogical patterns of thinking.

Prof. Dolan is a marriage and family psychotherapist who tells each of his patients the following: "You think that you're unhappy because of all the dreadful things that have happened to you. I'm here to show you that your unhappiness is really due to you

Cognitive Therapy

Albert Ellis is to rational-emotive therapy

as Aaron Beck is to cognitive therapy.

Aaron Beck

developed cognitive therapy.


one or more therapists work with several people simultaneously.

A key difference between a self-help group and group therapy is that self-help groups are

typically organized
and led by nonprofessionals.

EMDR therapy is known as

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy and has shown usefulness in relieving anxiety and traumatic memories such as those related to PTSD.

Melissa is very shy and afraid to speak up in class or in public situations. Melissa consults a therapist about her problem. After a few individual sessions, Melissa's therapist suggests that Melissa attend a new therapy group
that he is organizing. Melis

Melissa can practice speaking in front of other people in a safe and supportive environment

Mackenzie has just started psychotherapy. If Mackenzie is typical of psychotherapy clients, she should expect to notice significant progress:

after a few months of weekly sessions.

Antidepressant medications most commonly affect levels of which neurotransmitter(s) in the brain?

serotonin and norepinephrine

Lithium treats

Bipolar disorder

Theresa is a psychotherapist who is working with a client named Ross. Ross is agonizing over whether he should stay married or file for divorce, but he can't seem to make up his mind. According to the guidelines in the textbook, Ross should expect Theresa

help him explore and better understand his own feelings about his
marriage so that he can make a responsible decision.