Unit 7: Forgetting

Without the ability to ___, we would constantly be overwhelmed by information.


Memory researcher Daniel Schacter has identified the seven sins of memory, divided into three categories that identify the ways in which our memory can fail: the three sins of ___, the three sins of ___, and the one sin of ___.

forgetting; distorting; intrusion

The first type of forgetting is caused by ___ failure.


This type of forgetting occurs because some of the information that we sense never actually ______.

enters the memory system

One reason for age-related memory decline is that the brain areas responsible for ___ new information are (more/less) responsive in older adults

encoding; less

Studies by Ebbinghaus and by Bahrick indicate that most forgetting occurs (soon/a long time) after the material is learned.


This type of forgetting is known as ___ ___, which may be caused by a gradual fading of the physical ___ ___.

storage decay; memory trace

When information that is stored in memory temporarily can't be found, ___ failure has occurred.


Research suggests that memories are also lost as a result of ___, which is especially possible if we simultaneously learn similar, new material.


The disruptive effect of previous learning on current learning is called ___ ___. The disruptive effect of learning new material on efforts to recall material previously learned is called ___ ___.

proactive interference; retroactive interference

Jenkins and Dallenbach found that if people went to sleep after learning, their memory for a list of nonsense syllables was (better/worse) than if it was if they stayed awake.


In some cases, old information facilitates our learning of new information. This is called ___ ___.

positive transfer

Freud proposed that motivated forgetting, or ___, may protect a person from painful memories.


Increasing numbers of memory researchers think that motivated forgetting is (less/more) common than Freud believed.
