AP Psychology Chapter 7: Cognition


any system that encodes, stores, and retrieves information

information-processing model

cognitive understanding of memory emphasizing how information is changed


one of the three basic tasks of memory; involves modification of information


one of the three basic tasks of memory; involves retention of encoded material over time


one of the three basic tasks of memory; involves location and recovery of information

eidetic imagery

especially clear form of memory; "photographic memory

sensory memory

preserves brief sensory impressions of stimuli

working memory

preserves recently perceived events for less than a minute

long-term memory (LTM)

largest memory capacity and duration; stores material organized by meaning


organizing pieces of information into smaller, more meaningful units

maintenance rehearsal

information is repeated or reviewed to keep from fading in working memory

elaborative rehearsal

information is actively reviewed and related to information already in LTM

acoustic encoding

conversion of information to sound patterns

levels-of-processing theory

information that is more thoroughly connected to meaningful items in long-term memory will be remembered better

procedural memory

stores memories for how things are done

declarative memory

stores facts

episodic memory

stores memory for personal events

semantic memory

stores general knowledge, including meanings of words


physical changes in brain associated with mmory

anterograde amnesia

inability to for memories for new information


process by which short-term memories are changed to long-term memories

retrograde amnesia

inability to remember information previously stored in memory

flashbulb memory

clear and vivid long-term memory of an especially meaningful event

implicit memory

memory that was not deliberately learned

explicit memory

memory that has been processed with attention and can be consciously recalled

retrieval cues

stimuli that are used to bring a memory to consciousness


technique for curing implicit memories tha provides cues to stimulate a memory without awareness of the connection


retrieval method in which one must reproduce previously presented information


retrieval method in one must identify present stimuli as being previously presented

encoding specifity principle

memory is encoded and stored with specifid cues related to the context in which it was formed

mood-congruent memory

memory process that selectively retrieves memories that match one's mood

TOT phenomenon

inability to recall a word while knowing that it is in memory


impermanence of long-term memory

forgetting curve

graph plotting amount of retention and forgetting over time for a certain batch of material


forgetting caused by lapses in attention


forgetting that occurs when an item in memory cannot be accessed or retrieved

proactive interference

cause of forgetting in which previously stored information prevents learning and remembering new information

retroactive interference

cause of forgetting by which newly learned information prevents retrieval of previously stored material


memory distortion as the result of deliberate or inadvertent suggestion

misinformation effect

distortion of memory by suggestion or misinformaiton

expectancy bias

a tendency to distort recalled events to make them fit one's expectations

self-consistency bias

commonly held idea that we are more consistent in our beliefs and ideas than we actually are


memory problem in which unwanted memories cannot be put out of mind


techniques for improving memory by making connections between new material and information already in LTM

method of loci

mnemonic device that involves associating items on a list with a sequence of familiar physical locations

language acquisition device (LAD)

biologically organized mental structure that facilitates learning of language because (according to Chomsky) it is innately programmed with grammatical rules


rules of a language, specifying how to use stuff to make other stuff make sense


meaningful units of language that make up words


applying a grammatical rule too widely and creating incorrect forms

computer metaphor

idea that the brain is an information-processing organ that works like a computer


mental representations of categories of items or ideas based on experience

natural concepts

mental representations of objects drawn from our direct experience


ideal or most representative example of a conceptual category

artificial concepts

concepts defined by rules, such as word definitions and math formulas

concept hierarchies

levels of concepts in which a more general level includes more specific concepts

event-related potentials

brain waves in response to stimulation


knowledge luster or general conceptual framework that provides expectations about topics, events, objects, people, etc.


a cluster of knowledge about sequences of events and actions


problem-solving procedures or formulas


cognitive strategies or "rules of thumb" used as shortcuts to solve complex mental tasks

mental set

tendency to respond to a new problem in the strategy used for a previous problem

functional fixedness

inability to perceive a new use for an object associated with a different purpose

hindsight bias

tendency, after learning about an event, to "second guess" that one could have predicted the events

anchoring bias

faulty heuristic caused by basing an estimate on an unrelated quantity

representativeness bias

faulty heuristic based on the presumption that once people or events are categorized, they share all the features of other members in that category

availability bias

faulty heuristic that estimates probabilities on information that can be recalled


mental process that provides novel responses for problems


innate potentialities

whole method

mnemonic strategy of first approaching the material to be learned as a whole, and then learning details

distributed learning

technique where learner spaces learning sessions over time


startegy when the learner continues to study and rehearse the material after it has been brought to mastery