Psych Ch. 15

Axis 1 disorders

the major clinical syndromes that cause significant impairment.


groups or clusters of related symptoms that are characteristic of a disorder.

Axis 2 disorders

more long-standing personality disorders as well as mental retardation.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

state of pervasive and excessive anxiety lasting at least six months.


an anxiety disorder involving intense fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult or in which help might not be available should a panic attack occur.

Panic attack

sudden. short period of exterme anxiety involving physiological and psychological symptoms and intense fear.

Panic disorder

an anxiety disorder characterized by panic attacks and persistent anxiety about having more attacks.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

a type of anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a catastrophic or horrifying event that poses serious harm or threat.


an anxiety disorder marked by onogoing and irrational fear of a particular object, situation, or activity.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

an anxiety disorder in which compulsive thoughts lead to obsessive behaviors.


an unwanted thought, word, phrase, or image that persistenly and repeatedly comes into a person's mind and causes distress.


a repetitive behavior performed in response to uncontrollable urges or according to a ritualistic set of rules.

impulse control disorder

an anxiety disorder related to obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person feels an intense, repetitive desire to perform certain behaviors.

diathesis-stress model

explanation for the origin of psychological disorders as a combination of biological predispositions plus stress or an abusive environment.

The occurance of two or more disorders at the same time known as __________.


The heritability rate for schizophrenia is roughly:


Low levels of the nerotransmitter _______ might explain why people with schizophrenia have trouble with selective attention, cognitive control, and working memory.


dissociative identity disorder (DID)

dissociative disorder in which a person develops at least two distinct personalities, each with it's own memories, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

dissociative disorders

psychological disorders characterized by extereme splits or gaps in memory, identity, or consciousness.

Latresha is not hungry, is extremely tired, and doesn't feel like doing much of anything. She might be coming down with a cold, or she might be suffering from which mood disorder?

major depressive disorder

David went home for Christmas break and he found that his mother, who was usually depressed, had just purchased dozens of birds houses from a local gift store. She'd had each custom wrapped and was planning to give them to all extended members of the fami

She has bipolar disorder.

Which neurotransmitter is reduced in both the manic and depressed phases of biopolar disorder?


psychotic disorders

psychological disorders of thought and perception, characterized by inability to distinguish between real and imagined perceptions.


psychotic disorder characterized by significant disturbances in thought and emotion, specfically problems.

positive symptoms

the perceptual experiences associated with schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusional thinking, and disorfanized thought and speech.


convincing sensory experiences that occur in the absence of an external stimulus


in people with schizophrenia, a false belief or exaggeration held despite evidence to the contrary.

negative symptoms

symptoms that include non-respsonsiveness, emotional flatness, immobility, catatonia, problems with speech, and inability to complete tasks.

cognitive symptoms

problems with working memory, attention, verbal and visual learning and memory, reasoning and problem solving, processing, and speech.

word salad

term for the speech of people with schizophrenia, which may follow grammatical rules but be nonsensical in terms of content.

paranoid schizophrenia

subtype of schizophrenia characterized by preoccupation with delusions and auditory hallucinations.

catatonic schizophrenia

two of the following symptoms; extereme immobility, excessive activity, peculiar posturing, mutism, or parroting what other people say.

undifferentiated schizophrenia

characterized by the general symptoms of delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.

disorganized schizophrenia

by disorganized speech and behavior and flat or inappropriate affect.

_______ produce extereme splits or gaps in memory, identity, or consciousness.

dissociative disorders

Years ago this disorder was known as multiple personality disorder:

schizoid disorder

A history of ________ appears to play a causal role in the development of dissociative disorders.

physical or sexual abuse, traumatic experiences

schizoid personality disorder

odd-eccentric personality disorder characterized by a desire to avoid close relationships as well as by emotional aloofness, reclusivity, and a lack of humor.

schizotypal personality disorder

odd-characterized by a desire to live an isolated and isolated and asocial life, but also by the presence of odd thoughts and beliefs.

personality disorders

odd-maladaptive and inflexible patterns of cognition, emotion, and behavior that develop in late childhood or adolescence.

paranoid personality disorder

odd-characterized by extreme suspicions and mistrust of others in unwarranted and maladaptive ways.

histrionic personality disorder

dramatic- by the desire to be the center of attention and by dramatic, seductive, flamboyant and exaggerated behaviors.

narcissistic personality disorder

dramatic- by having an extremely positice and arrogant self-image and being extrordinary self-centered.

antisocial personality disorder

dramatic- by extremely impulsive, deceptive, violent, ruthless, and callous behaviors; a serious and potentially dangerous disorder.

avoidant personality disorder

anxious- by extreme fear of being criticized, low self-esteem, and avoidance of social interaction.

obsessive-compulsive personality

by rigid habits and extreme perfectionism; more general than obsessive-complusive disorder.

dependant personality disorder

anxious- personality disorder characterized by fear of being rejected and having a strong need to be cared for.

People with ______ personality disorder are so afraid of being criticized that they stay away from others and become socially isolated.


Individuals with which kind of personality disorder are most likely to commit crimes and end up in jail?


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

childhood: inability to focus attention for more than a few minutes, to remain still and quiet, to do careful work.

autistic disorder

childhood: severe language and social impairment along with repetitive habits and inward focused behaviors.

asperger's syndrome

childhood: characterized by impaired social interest and skills and restricted interests.

Jolo is a 5-year boy who does not speak, waves his arms around a lot, does not make eye contact, and does not seem to connect with other kids of adults. Jolo may have which disorder?

autistic disorder

Kelly fidgets a lot, blurts out what she is thinking, and makes many careless mistakes in her homework, even when she knows the answers. Kelly most likely would be diagnosed with which childhood disorder?


Research shows which psychotic disorder is most strongly associated with creativity?


With respect to the relationship between bipolar disorder and creativity, the manic phase is more likely to produce creative behavior than the depressive phase.

All on first side :]

How might adverse childhood experiences increase the risk of psychological disorders?

by depriving the child of physical contact, by profoundly altering brain development, by providing impoverished social stimulation

Perry's ACE research has shown that if children who are raised in neglectful home environments are placed in caring and stimulating foster care at age 5...

their brain show little increase brain size.